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couple of melted wires on my Hymer (ducato 2.8)


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looking under the bonet and saw two wires that went to a 20mm dia coil set into the rad housing ,not into a waterway. Took the coil out as l said its about 20 mm dia and has a 125 ohms sign on it ,l think its to do with the electric fan . as it metled the safety covers on the spade connectors is it duff,does anyone know what it is or what its called so l can change it?????????????? 8-) :-(
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Hi Skids. The resister you mention, is for reducing the power to one of the radiator fans as part of the climate control system. The resitor is unlikely to be 125 ohms, more likely 1.25 ohms, possibly 12.5 ohms but I am not sure. Check both your fans operate and turm freely. One may be jammed and thsi would cause it to take draw more current through the resitor and teh resistor would overheat. The spade terminals should withstand more curremt that the cable used so should not overheat. Make sure terminals are clean, no corrosion and tight fitting. If the resitor has been overheating it may have caused the spade covers to melt. Replace them and do mentioned checks. It is unlikely the resistor is faulty and I would suspect the fan motor it is connected to is not turning freely. But , anyway now you know what it is for. The climate control system and to keep one of the fans running on slow mode when it is required for climate control. Hope this helps, Jon.
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