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the dreaded damp again


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I know we have had a lot of rain in recent weeks/months, so I have been checking the van with a proper damp meter.


even though a dehydrator has been in frequent use in the van, yesterdays weekly check showed up to 30 percent in the same area as had been twice "fixed" by Marquis. Most recent return from the fixer was mid november.


having fallen out with them , I decide to investigate myself today.


I checked behind the Fridge, by removing the upper vent.


reading just inside the vent below the opening was 30 percent, and above a lot lower.


I have today replaced the vent and resealed around the aperature, and the blowere heater is now opsitioned to attempt drying out once again.


I donthave any faith that the dealer checked properly, on either occasion, hence my own investigation


Hopefully I have now foundand fixed the offending leak.
















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