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downsizing and tyre pressures


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Is/was your van available in different MGW or MAM versions and if so does the vehicle handbook list tyre pressures for various the weight versions of your van.


Some of us use this axle weight related guide to tyre pressures but before you undertake any changes you should visit a weighbridge in fully laden holiday mode and verify the front and rear axle weights.



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‘Downplating’ a motorhome to a lower maximum authorised overall weight is normally done for driving-licence-entitlement reasons. It will be a simple on-paper exercise and there should be no need to alter the vehicle mechanically. As the vehicle will be mechanically unchanged after downplating - the only difference in the case you cite being that its maximum authorised overall weight will have dropped from 3850kg to 3500kg - there should be no reason to alter the tyre pressures that were being used when the motorhome was ‘plated’ at 3850kg.


If it were necessary to operate the motorhome lighter than before to stay under the the revised 3500kg maximum, this would result in lower-than-previous axle loadings. Consequently (assuming that the tyre-pressures previously used at 3850kg had been carefully matched to the vehicle’s axle loadings at that weight) lower tyre pressures might be adopted to (perhaps) produce a softer ride quality.


But there’s no legal compulsion to alter the tyre pressures that were appropriate at, say, 3850kg merely because a vehicle has been downplated to 3500kg.

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If your tyre pressures have been based on the real weighbridge weight of the vehicle then the weight is still the same (unless you are travelling lighter and recheck the weighbridge weight).....so no change!

If the tyre pressures were based on the theoretical weight (Weight plate/manufacturers figures) then they should be adjusted to suit.

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