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Route Planning


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The AA used to publish 'European Throughroutes to and from Calais'. It's great advantage was that it showed the distances for nearly every town of any size along the the route chosen. For speed and ease of use it leaves GPS and computer systems trailing for route planning, as the information to the next town, or the one say three towns down the line, are virtually instantaneous. Alas, my copy has now become almost unusable and it is no longer published. I wondered if anyone knows of a similar map from another source?
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A long shot, but have you tried Stanfords, Long Acre, London (branch, I think, in Manchester).  There aren't many maps they don't, or haven't, stocked.  They may still have an odd copy somewhere.

If you do a websearch for the name, when you get to the 'phone numbers for contact, don't 'phone London - they never answer!  However, the branch is v. good and can search all the stock lists just as effectively, so phone them. 

You never know, you may get lucky!

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Richard - dosen't everyone have a laptop these days? They can be so useful for watching TV, watching DVD, using telephone on Voip,either no cost or less than a penny a min from anywhere in europe, sending mail, booking sites, participating in Forums, all from your own camper, I suppose you need a long length of wire if you don't have WiFi though, Oh yes - for satellite navigation too. Regards Terry :-D
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Hi Mel, Try the following web link ;- http://www.home-entertainment.toshiba.co.uk/consumer/home.nsf/pages/swapout?opendocument§ion=support My Laptop went down while using the DVD drive, with what seemed to be a faulty sound chip. I removed the sound driver and DVD software, reloaded the sound driver and the DVD player software twice over, before the problem went away. I believe a corrupt DVD disk could have caused the O/S to go up the creek, I have used, upgraded and repaired both mine and customer PC's for over 20 years, but have never had this particular fault/cause before. I was absolutely 200% certain that it was a hardware fault - but I was wrong, so give a system reload a try before going to, too much expense. Regards Terry
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I agree with Terrytraveller, I have Autoroute 2006 with sat nav on laptop, and as he says the laptop can be used for all sorts of other things as well, record keeping, photo storage etc,etc, I also have all of southern England O.S maps on it. Autoroute with C.C.C and CC sites also Aires. Oh the price of the lap top £300 bought from Studentlaptops. You want it they got it. I am now looking for a cheap portable printer to go with it. We never go away without the lap top, and the TV reception is pretty good for when we want it. David
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One other concern about laptops - they don't last very long on battery power and the replacement batteries can be expensive, so is it best to run them off an inverter or direct from the leisure battery, with a suitable connection, or on their own battery? Terry - tried that with the laptop, it did start intermittently then would run okay, then it stopped working most of the time, now it just squeals like a piglet every time we turn it on, as if an alarm is sounding, no picture etc - suspect motherboard or something has come loose - any suggestions? I'll go and have a shuftie at the website you posted as well - ta. Mel B :-S
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Hi Mel, That web site is Toshiba TV, but they will give you number for laptop support. Have you tried the following;- 1. Check power supply with voltmeter, is it within specs? 2. Insert Recovery CD 3. Going into Bios as it boots (F2?), then setting boot order to CDrom first, HD second then save and quit. 4. If display going bad, try using external monitor, D15 socket usually rear of case. Function Key switch sequence for switching Internal/External monitor found on keyboard. 5. Nothing to lose ? Remove casing and check mother board for loose connections, ribbon cable's, socketed i/c's, visable signs of burning, other damage etc.. Now you have me interested - keep in touch. Regards Terry
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Hi Richard, Okay on that - we did use the laptop in a C class and I agree its a bit bulky, although not too bad if you have a 12inch display as we had then, we have used a 15inch display successfully too. Opening the glove box, and laptop display to 180 deg, lodging the laptop on the hinges of the glovebox in front of the passenger, with a bit of antislip matting on the dashboard above the glovebox, worked okay. We used that for a few years until the government bought us a small SatNav system, they sent £200 to us one november to keep warm for the winter, so we bought the SatNav and went to Spain (lol) Regards Terry
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Hi Ron, Getting back to maps *-) The only one I can think of that may help is the Michelin 726 route planning map, it only covers France but is indispensible even if you've got satnav. I have it to hand when driving and its invaluable as a quick reference and to get your bearings when you're doubting the route the satnav is taking you :-) pete
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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. However, none do the job that I require, or anywhere near as quickly. I know exactly what I want, its just finding it. Brian, Standfords think that a similar map is available and are coming back to me., thank you. Incidentally, has anyone else found Autoroute 2006 way out of date, new motorways I used two years ago are still not included. regards Ron
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