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ebikes and spain


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Basically it seems to me that you can argue the rights and wrongs until the cows come home. One can always stand on their principles and argue that EU rules etc allow anything in any EU country that is legal, to be legal in any other EU country. Of course if the Guardia Civil officer is in a bad mood and decides that he/she does not wish to know about EU laws, then you could be in for a long discussion probably at a nearby Police Station.. Personally I try to avoid such encounters as life is too short and the sun is shining.


Trying to figure out the exact rules and regulations as with anything from the EU, is beyond the mind of any sane human being. However, it would appear, from my brief examination, that the new regulations basically bring all member states in line with existing regulations from the EU. Regulation 168/2013 refers you back to Directive 2002/24/EC which appears to state that unless the bicycle stops moving if you stop pedalling, then it is classed as a moped. The new regulations in 2015 seem to just confirm the existing status.


Bluntly I have neither the time nor the inclination to try and figure it all out. I will let others do that wonderful task. However, as I do not see our cousins across the Channel having any of the problems, it may be an idea to just buy an e bike in Europe if you wish to use one regularly there.



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Dave225 - 2016-01-28 8:55 PM

One can always stand on their principles and argue that EU rules etc allow anything in any EU country that is legal, to be legal in any other EU country.



This is often misunderstood, there are still many differences across the EU, Things that are legal in the UK are illegal elsewhere and visa -versa, and it's not just due to historical laws, even new laws create differences across the EU.

p.s. just remembering your location, as an example, if the SNP get their way I will soon be in the strange position of being able to take my FAC rifles to Scotland, but not my sub 12 air rifles.

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