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Barn Owls

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You have not given any details of the trip you may be planning but I would have thought that in our current unsettled world, going to North Africa, even in a group, may not be the wisest thing to do.


However, if you did go I suggest that you will find plenty of 'operations' willing to refill gas bottles but again, what they will actually fill them with, and by how much, is a matter of conjecture.


If you are going in an organised group then someone will know of a reputable supplier.

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I understand there were places where one could get bottles refilled, but without the safeguards one normally finds in Europe.


If you are concerned about safety in Morocco, I seem to recall there have been more attacks/deaths in France!



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Barn Owls - 2016-01-27 2:46 PM


Does anyone know if one can fill ones LPG onboard gas tank anywhere in the country, as I have heard of some people getting their gas bottles refilled around Casablanca or Rabat ?

there is a depot just north of Rabat called Africa gas on the coast road. Most will tell you how to get there. They will fill most bottles to the required 80% level. Mind you, they will fill a bucket if you pay the right price ??
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Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, we have taken note of the Africa Station outside Rabat. We have a new motorhome with onboard gas tanks and couldn't find any stations when we were there last year.

We are off beginning of March if anyone has anymore suggestions.

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You could buy one of the local gas bottles out there (cheap as chips) and get one of these to transfer gas through to your system...




I believe you can also attach a bottle in a similar way to your external BBQ point as well if you have one.


Then just sell or give the bottle back before you return to Mainland Europe.


More info in this thread from another forum which might help....





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