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Southern Ireland


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Hi all. Im new here so not sure if im posting in the correct place but hopefully I am. I travel to Ireland for work from time to time and it involves travelling a lot whilst there. I may be going back to Southern Ireland again in February and because of the distance im going to be covering and not knowing where I will end up each day im thinking of hiring a motorhome and using that. We will make a family holiday of it too and we are all used to camping albeit in a tent in France.


My questions are having never used a motorhome although its something ive always wanted to do where would I stand with electric. I would need it to run a laptop, hairdryer and hair straighteners as I need to be presentable for work. How long would a leisure battery last using these items? Also would it be feasible to wild camp? Is wild camping free? I see some places have toilet facilities and there are service areas for camper vans, what services are available there?


Any other advice you think would be useful is gratefully received.





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Hello Carol and welcome to the forum. Hiring can be very expensive so it depends how deep your pockets are compared with hotels or guest houses and the length of time you are over there. I've been over there a couple of times and I can only say that the drivers over there (mainly in the countryside) are the next best thing to Japanese Kamikaze Pilots, but they always say sorry if in the wrong.


We always use site's and hook up.


This is a good forum to join, it's an Irish one. google.......motorhomecraic.com





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Yes its always been expensive when ive looked to hire in the last but had a quick pool last night and found one for less than £400 for 5 nights. Need to look into it further as it seems too good to be true but not had time yet.


The problem with hotels is that I wont know where im going to end up until late in the day and then its a hassle to get the laptop out and start looking for somewhere suitable.


Ill have a look at the other site you mentioned. Thank you.

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We did a similar visit a few years ago. The simplest answer was hotels, no hassle. Book In ...all personal cleaning facilities to hand ... pay your money and depart. ... Move to the next venue and repeat.


Wandering about the countryside in a make shift box on wheels where all the facilities have to be attended to by yourself is great for the adventurer but for an efficient business lady no !


Wild camping ... Are wellingtons and heavy rain gear and a possible tow rope part of your package?


Its the best I can offer




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An interesting idea, it could be a good trip but bizarrely your main problem isn't travel, campsite, or cooking, but your hair dyer and straighteners, they will flatten a leisure battery in no time to you need a good hookup at a campsite, or a generator.

If you don't know each day where you will be you could prepare a list of campsites that will be open in February (not many)and phone ahead.

Good luck.

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I appreciate all your comments, its exactly what I was looking for. Im not tied to being in any one place for certain times so delays etc wont be an issue although I most certainly dont want to be in a position of needing wellies and tow rope lol I think if we do go for it then we will have to use proper camp sites as we normally do when we camp with the tent in England and France but obviously we may struggle with that so early in the year. The hotel route may have to be the one we use this time, I was just trying to avoid the whole finish working at 6 or 7pm then locating a suitable hotel. Its ok when its just me but there will be the 3 of us this time.


Thanks again for the advise, its been very useful.


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