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Calais to costa brava


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Hi all this would be my first time taking the motorhome to Europe, I have been with car and motorbike, to Santander and Bilbao. I'm thinking of doing two weeks in July, is it realistic to get to Costa brava in two days each way? Am really keen on this area as have lots of friends in Barcelona so they could visit and I could do Barcelona on train.


Does anyone have any ideas on times distances involved?


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Guest pelmetman

Two days from Santander and Bilbao to the other side is a comfortable trip ;-) .......


But Spain in July??? 8-) ..........



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Hi we went to Cherbourg last year and drove down to arcchan near Bordeaux in one day. We went from the to near Barcelona the following day no problem.

They were long days but we made it ! I would say the Aires in Arcachon were the best that we stayed at in France. Lovely place


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We have done it a number of times with no problems. You will obviously find it quicker, easier, and more comfortable if you travel on the autoroutes, but the tolls are quite high, although the autoroutes down the western side of France are less so. We use the book of Aires to find somewhere near the autoroute to stop for the night, but to be honest, and please don't mention this on this forum, we usually drive for as long as we can, with a comfort break every 2 hours or so, and then in late evening we stop at the next major service area, in the cars bit right by the boutique, we have experienced no alarums or excursions, but then, our elderly van has so many holes in the floor that the gas probably escapes faster than they can pump it in.

Go for it, if you enjoy driving it's a blast. Our best drive ever on this route was in 1972, we drove from Benicasim to Le Havre in a 1970 Mini Cooper S 970, in 18 hours, but in those days there were no autoroutes, very few dual carriageways , and the sophisticated French still cherished their ridiculous "PRIORITY A DROITS" game.


For the nostalgic amongst us, the only place that I can still recognise in the High Street in Benicasim is Bar Central, and there was a 7 kilometre road along the beach to Castllion with not a single house on it, and if you would discern the facial features of the people next to you, you would wonder why they were crowding up to you.


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In our 'yoof' when time was short and needed to get to Spain in a hurry for the kids we used to do it in 2 days. I have had a look in my travel diaries to check and in July 1984 we left Calais with our car and caravan combination in the early hours of the 21st and arrived in Tarragona on the 22nd, having stopped overnight near Valence on the AutoRoute. It was a long hard drive, and some say foolish, but that is what we did in those days. We left on the 8th August in the morning and were back at Calais docks on the 9th at 18.00 hours, overnighting on the AutoRoute near Macon.


It can be done but would not advocate stopping on Autoroutes now nor the continuous long hours at the wheel. However if you are fit and are used to long journeys it can be done but remember the high toll costs, etc.


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Guest pelmetman
Jonboymentalhealth - 2016-01-31 7:49 PM


Sorry that was ment to be Calais to Costa brava in 2 days


Well that's a bit different, we allow a week for that trip.............each way :D

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in direct answer to your question, yes it is possible but I would not recommend you try it in july..


firstly, France has its annual Bastille Day on 14th july, and everywhere virtually closes and clog the roads solid, particularly southbound or westbound from Paris area.


secondly, finding a decent campsite with vacancies in July is like trying to find hens teeth.. they are usually overbooked, overcrowded, so unless you have a booking, you could well be sleeping rough, not recommended.


it is approx 900 miles calais to Barcelona via motorways, and coach companies can get the journey from dover to barcelona done in 24 hours, 2 drivers, non stop .


Personally, we travel to south coast of France via poole/cherbourg in mid May, and take 5 days to do the 650 miles, and dont use toll roads, but will use non toll motorways in places. We also use Aires book to research stopover possibilities, and France Passion sites where possible.


On the main roads you must remember that there are often speed traps which if you are caught, result in instant fines. Frequently, if you are lucky, someone coming the other way, might flash headlights to warn you about the traps, so be aware, ensure you dont exceed the limits in built up areas..


Remember also you must have hi vis jackets and put them on before leaving vehicle if stopped. Also, warning triangles to alert other traffic in event of breakdown..


Drive safely, stay legal, no hitch hikers on way back !!!.



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You can get the fast cat ferry from Portsmouth/Poole to Cherbourg, takes 3 hours. Spain in July, too hot. France in July Too busy, so would need to book sites . Best area for Kids , probably the Vendee or Brittany.

I would say Spain much too far for a 2 weeks holiday, unless you take the direct ferry, which as you say very expensive. Some of us have discount scheme (10%) off to guests , who would be more than happy to share with you. Would say you need to book your ferry early for travel in July


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As others have mentioned July is high season and if you decided to drive you would be fcaing the 'fun' of the section around Perpignan and over the border into Spain. Bad enough at the best of times, but probably horrendous in July.


Driving from Calais is possibly do' able if you have 2 drivers but this means 4 days off the trip before you start, so you arrive tired and 9 days later have to thinbk of the return. To my mind it is not worth it. Why not just leave the motorhome at home and book a flight and package deal. The costs will be similar once you look at everything and then at least you get the full 14 days in Spain.


France for 2 weeks will be similar again in that costs will be high. No ACSI in July so you are looking at 20-30 euros per night for a site and aires will be packed.A lot of people head for the Dordogne but again it is high season.

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Dave225 - 2016-02-01 3:30 PM


No ACSI in July so you are looking at 20-30 euros per night for a site and aires will be packed.A lot of people head for the Dordogne but again it is high season.


I agree with the advice except for the fact rates in the Costa Brava in July are nearer to 60 euros a night than the 20-30 quoted.

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Mike88 - 2016-02-01 3:47 PM


Dave225 - 2016-02-01 3:30 PM


No ACSI in July so you are looking at 20-30 euros per night for a site and aires will be packed.A lot of people head for the Dordogne but again it is high season.


I agree with the advice except for the fact rates in the Costa Brava in July are nearer to 60 euros a night than the 20-30 quoted.


I do agree except I was thinking more of France away from the Cote D'Azur area. You can still find sites at slightly better prices but I agree, they all go up at that time of the year. I must be honest and state that where we go in Spain because we stay a long time, we get any 'high' season days at the low rate. Pays to be a loyal customer.

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Done the Calais/Costa Brava quite a few times by Car, Motorbike and Sidecar (Goldwing) and Motorhome. Last year went from Blanes to Calais in rwo days via Lyon motorway overnight stop and caught ferry 1800 hrs from Calais. We live in N Wales which is about 5 hour trip but stayed over night in Dover on camp site with earlyish start. I'm 82.
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Back in 1974 a friend of mine took a 15 seater Transit diesel and put a 3litre Zodiac engine under the bonnet.


We then loaded it up with 4 adults 5 kids all the camping gear then added a large trailer tent out back. We left Upminster Essex at just after 6pm drove to Dover, caught the ferry then drove to a campsite about 20 miles north of Barcelona arriving a few minutes under 24 hours.


That was without any of the modern motorways and two drivers. Yes it can be done would I travel that way today, not on your nelly, you miss too much of what's in between.

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Seeing we are going down memory lane, let's try Jonboy's mentalhealth :-D


Set Off Friday night by Gay Hostess coach overnight from Burnley to Kings Cross. Taxi to Victoria Station and pick up our coach to Southend Airport. Flew over to Ostend and pick up coach. Drove down and stayed overnight in Paris (1st stop 8-) ). 2nd day...or were it the 3rd? on to St Flour for next overnight stop. Next day's drive (full day) to Tossa De Mar. A few nights in Tossa then retraced the route back. The holiday was advertised as 10 day coach tour down to Spain, cost £36.....that was 1961...I never recovered :D


We had 4s 6d left between us. Slept on a bench at Euston Station until following day then caught the Gay Hostess coach back to Burnley from Kings Cross, Work the day after.



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Len Salisbury - 2016-02-04 9:48 AM


Done the Calais/Costa Brava quite a few times by Car, Motorbike and Sidecar (Goldwing) and Motorhome. Last year went from Blanes to Calais in rwo days via Lyon motorway overnight stop and caught ferry 1800 hrs from Calais. We live in N Wales which is about 5 hour trip but stayed over night in Dover on camp site with earlyish start. I'm 82.

In July Len?

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