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Roof lining ventilation


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Having just suffered a slow but given the weather a "persistent" roof light leak we are busy trying to dry out the roof on our 2002 Compass Calypso.


Has anyone come across a small neat internal roof vent that could keep I bit air movement/ventilation in thr gap between out and inner skin?




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If I'm understanding you correctly, I doubt there is a gap. The space between outer roof surface and inner lining will be filled with insulation, most probably expanded or extruded polystyrene. Trying to draw air through that is unlikely to achieve anything useful.


General ventilation within the van is the best you will achieve, coupled with some gentle heat to encourage any moisture to vaporise as quickly as possible. I would be inclined to remove the inner frame from the culprit rooflight so as to expose the timber frame around the opening, which I would assume is damp, to assist it to dry out.


If you have a low wattage fan heater you could then leaving it running for a few days on its lowest setting with the warn air aimed in the direction of the damp area. Alternatively an oil filled electric rad on its lowest setting placed as nearly as possible directly beneath the rooflight.


I'm assuming that either the leak has now been fixed, or that the roof is being protected by waterproof covering? If not, you need to get this done first, and then concentrate on drying out.

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My Herald motothome (buit by Explorer Group/Compass in 1996) had the underside of its roof lined with fabric that was not fully adhered to the roof’s structure. It was commonplace to see Compass-built motorhomes with water-marks staining the fabric lining when roof-lights leaked, and there was little one could do to disguise bad staining once it had occurred.


So there quite likely is a ‘gap’ between the underside of Graeme’s Calypso’s roof and the liniing but, having said that, I’m doubtful that trying to move air through the gap would necessarily be practicable or worthwhile.

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Reluctantly I think you are both right. I did find some small vents that I could cut in close to the side walls.


The roof has been drying for a few days now and judging from feel and smell everything's a lot dryer now.


The roof light replaced and heavy duty mastic on a tape used seal the unit in courtesy of a local motorhome service/repair company.


Not sure that allowing moist air into the roof "void" from the inside of the habitation area is a good idea? Or that a vent will allow damp air out.


Got to stop the ingress is the only way.


Thanks both.

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