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Don't apologies Rupert, feel free to express yourself.


Are there more vineyards in Northern France than in the south? Or not many by comparison?


Maybe you could enlighten me...



You're correct as always - my parched lawn bears no greater evidence to the weather, than your three unfortunate trips. However being a resident of Cornwall, and spending considerable time in Brittany does.


You'll be telling me British motorhomes are better than Continental vans in a minute....




You do however re-affirm why I seldom visit this forum.......


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globebuster - 2016-02-08 6:11 PM

You'll be telling me British motorhomes are better than Continental vans in a minute....


They are!


At least for some us they are.


I did once try living with the uncomfortable half dinette, narrrow bed with cut away corner, narrow washroom, poor kitchen and lack of floor space but a long weekend was quite long enough for me thanks!!!

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globebuster - 2016-02-08 6:11 PM


Don't apologies Rupert, feel free to express yourself.


Are there more vineyards in Northern France than in the south? Or not many by comparison?


Maybe you could enlighten me...



You're correct as always - my parched lawn bears no greater evidence to the weather, than your three unfortunate trips. However being a resident of Cornwall, and spending considerable time in Brittany does.


You'll be telling me British motorhomes are better than Continental vans in a minute....




You do however re-affirm why I seldom visit this forum.......

Will resist a reply but (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Jonboymentalhealth - 2016-02-08 6:16 PM


Not quite but will definitely be more specific with questions in the future ;-)

Don't bother. There was nothing wrong with your question, the biggest failing was among some others not bothering to read it, or to engage the little grey cells before replying!


A couple of points.


There is really no such country as "France". It is far more regionally diverse than the UK, even allowing for Wales and Scotland. Brittany is one such region, but is not representative of anything other than itself. It is largely a peninsular sticking into the Atlantic, and its weather reflects this. A bit like a number of other roughly similar areas, it has what the Irish call "soft" days, at pretty much any time of year. It is, after all, a green land. It is a very popular destination in summer, especially with Parisians and the inhabitants of the large north-western towns. The "natives" are somewhat of Celtic descent, and are, like some of those of similar descent in UK, inclined to independence of spirit, with a tendency to resent central government "interference"! :-) Don't misunderstand me, it is as good a place to visit as any other, and there is plenty to do and see. Why not get a few guide books from the library and see what features you fancy, and then plan around these?


You won't get vineyards until you get as far south as the area between Nantes and Angers, so along the northern bank of the lower Loire - but you'll find wine widely available in any supermarket. :-) OTOH, what Brittany does rather well is cider, usually quite light and fizzy, in a champagne sort of way. Wonderful, heady, smell of crushed apples straight from the bottle. Enjoy!


July is, unfortunately, along with August, probably the worst month in which to visit anywhere, and Brittany is no exception. Expect crowds, high prices, shortage of accommodation, and poorer service than at other times, especially after the first week. Also, at weekends, and especially last weekend of July/first in August, expect traffic jams on any major route leading from Brittany to the south east, especially toward Paris. Just travel mid week if possible, and try to stay put over the weekends.


If you are seeking relative peace and quiet, and the freedom to come and go more or less freely, your best tactic, IMO, in July, will be to avoid the coasts and coastal resorts (and any restaurant overlooking a fishing harbour! :-)), and to stay inland. But, if you don't mind full car parks, noisy, crowded, camp sites, and milling aimless crowds, hit the resorts. The French, on the whole, don't "do" seaside they way we do it this side of the channel and you may love it. I don't, but that's me! Come to that, I don't much care for seaside resorts in UK either, at more or less any time of year. Of course, that may just be because I live too close to a fair few and, as they say, familiarity breeds contempt! :-D


Above all, go with an open mind, and try to ignore those who will tell you that France, the French, or Brittany, or the Bretons, do or don't do, or like or don't like, this or that. It is a country of great contrasts, in its landscapes, its peoples, and its weather. It just ain't the UK: for some that is its appeal, for others it is a reason to avoid it.


Oh yes, and they drive on the right! Have fun, I'm sure you will.

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I am afraid Brian I am going to disagree with the bit about nothing wrong with the question. The basic question asked was ok but not specific enough for an answer that would mean much. It is no good, in my opinion, simply asking for this type of advice without first stating your preferences, for this reason my original reply was a general one. Like you I do not care much for the seaside but do visit on occasion and places like Brittany do not work for me, should be us, as wife feels the same. Why, because in my opinion it has nothing much to offer, no scenery worth a second look inland, coastal scenery that is ok in places but nothing spectacular and weather about the same as Cornwall. Now the weather is a bit of a surprise but I took the trouble to look up the patterns in August and find they are almost identical to Cornwall. The trouble is France is a diverse place, as you say, but we can only give our opinion it is up to the poster to read and make there own mind up depending on there own likes/dislikes. If someone disagrees with what I say again I have no problem with that but will 'fight my corner' and unless they can point me to the reasons for going to a place will stand by what I say. Have not yet seen one specific reason to visit Brittany yet on this thread.
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There was nothing wrong with the original question.


What was wrong was the way that it was not answered.


As I recall the original question did not ask about the weather, other than too much heat for his dog, and he did not ask about Brittany either!


For what it is worth we do like the coast and we do like Brittany - particularly the coast - similar to but very different from parts of Devon and Cornwall.


If the OP does not want to go quite so far then Normandy can be pleasant but being mainly closer to the channel the weather there can be distinctly British too.


I've lived in both Devon and Cornwall and on balance the South Devon climate is much less windy and wet that the Cornish climate.


Unless you are in to war reminders the other side of Northern France does not really appeal being mainly flat and very similar to much of the UK. However if you have not been before a visit might well be enjoyed?


Just a personal view of course - other views are available!

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