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First trip....


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Taking the van for our first trip just for a couple of days to get used to it. Might try to drive it a bit. The weather is a little unkind but have to give it a try. At least we don't have to load any sunloungers and if we can't cope we could decamp to a B&B ( I'm Mrs Brightside) :-D
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Firstly - enjoy.


We picked our van up on the 9th Jan, - We have managed 2 nights away so far plus a day out and time arranging storage etc, Lots of Motorhome's out and about, never thought we would need to book sites in early Feb. Pretty much impervious to the weather once the doors are closed and the curtains drawn, although the noise of the torrential rain on Saturday was quite something - Totally new to all of this but see no reason not to go out all year round. The Van is warm and cosy coping with pretty much whatever get's thrown at it.


Finding out how everything works, it seems to be mainly common sense, remembering to drain everything in case of severe frost - Still in the "fettling" phase finding homes for everything. I will be glad when we can do more "camping" and less putting away - and I can sit in the sun with a beer, but that time will come.


Don't do what we did and put a wheel off the hardstanding, - had a torrid time it getting back out of the mud, these vans seem to get stuck quite easily although no harm was done and assistance was forthcoming,


So far so good and having fun.



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Your are quite right. We tried out the heating this evening and it is warmer than the house. Wine and food for two nights at the ready. Going to the CC Sandringham site. T'was more expensive than I thought it would be in February. However we need to go somewhere with hookup etc before we go wild! :->
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Glad to hear you are having a good time Tall Mike. What I've found so far is how little I was prepared for all the gubbins that we needed to buy just for our first trip. Also wondering what the M11 will be like on a Tuesday morning. I know I fret to much but my OH is so laid back someone has to. ;-)
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Glad to hear you are having a good time Tall Mike. What I've found so far is how little I was prepared for all the gubbins that we needed to buy just for our first trip. Also wondering what the M11 will be like on a Tuesday morning. I know I fret too much but my OH is so laid back someone has to. ;-)
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Absolutely agree about the bits - endless


From Levelling ramps, fire extinguisher, food grade hose, hose fitment's, the list goes on, kitchen stuff, bedding, gas cylinder spanner etc - it's taken longer to build a basic kit of stuff than I thought, but once purchased, these should last the life of the van and longer. Getting stuff into homes in the van where we can find it, bearing in mind weight limits, I am sure to regulars this is bread and butter stuff but for us newbies it's quite a task.


Discovered the hard way - If anything is unsecured, it will fly around instantly, - left the cutlery draw unlocked with inevitable results, - Another thing is that everything motorhome related seems to take twice as long as you think, - best done with no deadlines.


The van has an awning but am restraining myself from buying one of the driveaway types, I want to see how we use the van first, many on here seem to buy them use it once or twice and dump it into the shed - same with Solar panels, do we need it? - Not sure at the moment. - Wait and see how the leisure battery holds out, plan to do some CCC Club local events, - these are mostly off hook which will be a test, if it lasts the weekend then that will be fine.


I think it will get easier overall as time goes on, and thanks to this forum I now know what a MES Fridge is. and how to keep everything cold.



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