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New Motorhome Snags


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So quick question, how long is it reasonable to wait for a dealer to fix snags/faults on a new motorhome?


Are we talking weeks or months?


I'd just like a few opinions before I start to loose my patience with the dealer.


Apparently they are awaiting parts. They have known what needs doing from a week after we took delivery of the van.


Do I wait for them? Or do I keep nagging?




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Hi Dave..

..if it's only been a week or so, I would maybe recalibrate your expectations.. and prepare yourself for a longer wait? .. (lol) ..

Sorry to sound flippant but we waited 2-3 months for a replacement door decal on a previous van..and this was an item that was supposedly going to be sorted prior to us taking possession of the van.

(We were told- fobbed off?- with.."..it wasn't on the delivery van...they've sent the wrong one..." etc ,until eventually, "..Sorry! we just forgot to order it..." ).


Obviously chase things up but items just may not be in stock or readily available .and if it isn't something that's stopping the van from being used, them I'd try not to *get too wound up..

(* I was bouncing tho'! .:$....and was continually telephoning and firing emails to the dealer and the manufacturer...but none of it made the part turn up any quicker.. )

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Given the complexity of a motorhome there will be snags.


Our dealer warned us honestly - everyone gets them, and they are more prevalent on new vans rather than second hand where most things have been sorted, whether that's an endorsement of the trade in general or the dealership I am not sure but I believe it to be a genuine comment. In my experience, it isn't the snag - it's how it's resolved that counts. hopefully a good dealer will have a good relationship with the factory, in our case Adria - and they can get everything that may be needed in a timely manner.


If the issue is such that the van becomes unusable or very difficult to live with - then I would be looking to have something done asap, - If it's an annoyance, or cosmetically challenging for example, maybe something's dropped off or not working as it should - I plan to wait, make sure the dealer can fix it and has the parts in stock and then have it fixed in one visit, - if it takes a while, no big issue as long as I know it will be resolved, -


For example unlocking our habitation door is tricky, - very stiff to unlock with the key, sometimes I need to go in through the Drivers door and open it from the inside, it is a snag, a little tedious but no big issue, - it might ease with use, it's on my list to be looked at, I am sure there will be other things that come along.

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Hi Dave you don't say which manufacturer of your van. i.e if waiting for the factory & they are in Europe it will generally take longer than a UK source + the manufacturer may have to order through a 3rd party supplier.

I;e if part for Fridge, Heater, etc..

Ask dealer to give details of delivery expectation & ask them to stick to it. It helps confidence if the dealer can show his order to the factory & any response he had had.


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Thirty days for supply or fix is long enough unless the dealer can demonstrate why a longer delay is unavoidable.


If you know what part is required, search the internet to see how readily available it is; for example fridge parts can be obtained next day. You can ask your dealer for a copy of the parts order - I did this and the dealer showed me the order confirming it had been placed whilst admitting they didn't order it straight away.


I would research your rights under Consumer legislation and send them an appropriately worded letter.

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I complained to my dealer about the number of times that I had to take my MH back. Over one third of the mileage on my 10 month old MH is journeys back to the dealer for important issues. I received a letter saying that I should expect issues in the first 12 months!!!!!!!! The MH industry needs to take a long hard look at its standards and improve to a standard that matches the prices that they charge.!!
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