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Factory or show


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Not sure if anyone has compared the difference but would you know if it is cheaper to go to the factory and order a new Motorhome or buy one from an exhibition or show. I know with the latter dealers throw in a few goodies and discounts to entice you but does the factory do the same.
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I note you live in Portugal. If you buy from a foreign dealer you can sometimes get a reasonable discount. The reason being, you are unlikely to return every 5 minutes for after sales service - thereby saving them time and money during the warranty period. Well, that's how I think it works ???


We bought a new van in Germany and negotiated a 10% discount on the recommended retail price plus a similar discount on all the extras that were fitted.


It may be worth checking if dealers in Spain would give similar discounts. At least, you then wouldn't be too far away if you needed serious after sales service.

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Barcobird - 2016-02-11 7:28 PM


Not sure if anyone has compared the difference but would you know if it is cheaper to go to the factory and order a new Motorhome or buy one from an exhibition or show. I know with the latter dealers throw in a few goodies and discounts to entice you but does the factory do the same.



I doubt if many of the larger manufacturers / factories in the UK will sell direct to customers - but some of the smaller ones do.


I would expect them to be cheaper direct from a manufacturer as there is no dealer mark-up added.









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malc d - 2016-02-11 9:44 PM



I doubt if many of the larger manufacturers / factories in the UK will sell direct to customers - but some of the smaller ones do.


I would expect them to be cheaper direct from a manufacturer as there is no dealer mark-up added.



I was looking at Pilote who don't have a dealer in Portugal, so I don't think purchasing direct would pose a problem.


However reading the comments on the post by Dave225 "depreciation values of motorhomes" it makes you wonder if either are the way to go. Buying a demonstrator could be a third option, the only downside is you don't generally get exactly what you want.








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I would have thought that the only instance where one could order a motorhome from the converter’s ‘factory’ would be if the converter only sold direct and not through dealerships (eg. Murvi in the UK).


I’m very doubtful that any of the major motorhome manufacturers market their products other than through motorhome dealerships.

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malc d - 2016-02-11 9:44 PM

I would expect them to be cheaper direct from a manufacturer as there is no dealer mark-up added.


I too would expect that but evidence tends to suggest that that is not the case. I speak largely in reference to the van conversion market where direct selling is prominent. I note that IH, a manufacturer of very high quality van conversions, recently embarked upon a strategy of appointing dealerships to market its vans and ceased to deal directly with the public. This strategy saw no increase in the price of the vans. However, I note now that they retain just one dealership and have returned to selling direct. to the public, again without any fluctuation in prices. I note one well known independant van converter makes a point of of the virtue of buying direct from him as you can "forget about dealer margins". I would suggest that he is not only the converter but the dealer as well and rewards himself accordingly. Just add a dealer margin of say £6,000 to the price being asked and you will see that a "dealer margin" must already be in place as the adjusted price is just not viable.

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Barcobird - 2016-02-11 10:30 PM



I was looking at Pilote who don't have a dealer in Portugal, so I don't think purchasing direct would pose a problem.








I reckon if you contacted the Pilote factory direct, they would send you a list of dealerships in Spain.




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malc d - 2016-02-12 10:41 AM


I reckon if you contacted the Pilote factory direct, they would send you a list of dealerships in Spain.



Pilote has dealerships in 15 European countries but - as has been observed - not in Portugal. Pilote’s Spanish network is shown here:




It needs to be understood that a major motorhome converter builds a new motorhome to a certain standard, but however much care is taken during the build phase there is a strong likelihood that there will be ‘snags’ that are missed or overlooked. The converter will expect that ‘de-snagging’ the motorhome prior to handing it over to the buyer will be the responsibility of the dealer (in fact this task will be built into the dealer’s profit margin) and that the dealer will - whenever practicable - handle any subsequent under-warranty problems or claims. Once a motorhome leaves a major converter’s factory, the converter will hope to never see it again.


Ordering direct from the Pilote factory was touched on in this earlier discussion




and doubts about this being possible were expressed then.


Me, I don’t think there’s any chance of someone ordering a new Pilote motorhome directly from the Pilote factory rather than through a Pilote dealership (or ordering a Rapido motorhome directly from the Rapido factory, etc. etc.) but it would be educational if Barcobird explored the idea and reported what the result was.

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Derek Uzzell - 2016-02-12 2:13 PM



Me, I don’t think there’s any chance of someone ordering a new Pilote motorhome directly from the Pilote factory rather than through a Pilote dealership (or ordering a Rapido motorhome directly from the Rapido factory, etc. etc.) but it would be educational if Barcobird explored the idea and reported what the result was.




Also, it may be that a manufacturer selling direct to the public and by passing his dealers could be breaching the contracts he has with them.


Just a thought.



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Derek Uzzell - 2016-02-12 9:25 AM


I would have thought that the only instance where one could order a motorhome from the converter’s ‘factory’ would be if the converter only sold direct and not through dealerships (eg. Murvi in the UK).


I’m very doubtful that any of the major motorhome manufacturers market their products other than through motorhome dealerships.


As well as Murvi, I think that East Neuk, and Devon, plus Wellhouse sell direct to the public, but none of them are large volume makers.

Ps I have seen Devon vans sold new from certain dealerships too, as well as direct from the factory.

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I suggest you also check whether you will have difficulties registering in Portugal a motorhome sourced from Spain. Others have found great difficulty registering motorhomes sourced outside Spain in Spain, even LHD models sourced from Germany.


You may find life all round easier to stick to a brand that has a dealer network in Portugal, ad preferably a dealer near Vilamoura. As said above, most vans have some snags on delivery, and quite a few develop snags in the first few months of use. They are, after all, quite complex vehicles, largely hand assembled.


Trying to get faults resolved within warranty constraints via a distant dealer, especially across language barriers, may prove very time consuming, costly, and frustrating. Keep it simple, I think! :-)

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I can understand exactly what you are saying Brian, however although Portugal is frequented by thousands of motorhomes especially around my area, they are not big in the selling department and offer few options.

We have spent a considerable amount of time surfing the web going to exhibitions and generally weighing up the pros and cons of all makes and have come to the conclusion that the Pilote brand was the home for us. Yes this place is a pain to import vehicles but if you get the right paperwork and the follow the procedure correctly then it's quite easy. I have imported several vehicles successfully, the downside is the duty they charge which is technically illegal but they get away with it, apparently the revenue they collect far outweighs the fines they pay!

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Manufacturers should and mostly do protect there retailers.

Buying from a show can be advantageous, we purchased the Chauson 610 from the NEC LAST YEAR.

The deal included an engine upgrade, Mh upgrade including alloy wheels and upgrade FOC from the flash to the welcome. Plus a good price. We tend to use the same company we've used for the last 4 MH's and down sized the last time.

We did very well and tHayes are only 33miles away.


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