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Off street parking


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Sorry spartan3956 (Pete), I confused the issue with what I was saying. My sons address is a cul de sac, the property where I got the onlty ticket I have ever had was a through road between two major roads though not a very busy one. I do recognise that the verge was not a legitimate parking space but it was the only way that everyone could park and keep the road clear, they have actualy lowered the kerbs and allowed an extra 3feet of space by paving the verges now! But that was why I was staggered that the police say they can do nothing in my sons case. He is not one to normally complain about anything, but this chap, whilst I accept is trying to make a go of things is doing it at the expense of everyone in the close (there have been two house sales fall through citing the condition of the property and the vans as an eyesore). As you state a verge is part of the highway I don't understand why you can't park on it then, so why did I get a ticket? Bas
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[QUOTE]Roy - 2006-11-16 9:18 AM [QUOTE]Stew - 2006-11-15 8:53 PM I think you will find that are NO legal restrictions that stop you from sleeping in your M.H on the road, as said earlier LGV's park up in all variety of lay-bys as do all the caravanners that migrate south for the summer. Providing that you are parked legally and there are no local by-laws prohibiting the overnight stopping of vehicles, then you will be fully legal.[/QUOTE] I think this is spot on. As far as I can ascertain there is no act of parliament (excluding by- laws) which forbids sleeping in a vehicle on a public road, subject to other legalities. Roy.[/QUOTE] I believe that the restriction on HGV drivers sleeping in there vehicle overnight relates not to the sleeping but to parking on a public road without lights however I'm not sure if this is only over 7.5 tons or 3.5 tons.
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