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Creuseing homeward


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Hi , I have just been reading the March MMM, and the report about the journey along the Creuse Valley.


Looking at maps etc, it seems a possible route to take on our return later in the year, but I cant find very many references to either Aires, or France Passion sites within striking distance along the route.


I just wonder if any one else has any knowledge of that part of France.


Also, where is best to get the variety of Jetons used on the Aires, I could usefully get a few for the journey.Are they available in uk?



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may be worth getting "Le Guide Officiel camping caravaning. Has lots of sites not in other books.Got ours from Vicarious Books. If you use aries get the aires book from a large Super market when in France

We have friends who used to live in that region, (Dept 23) now moved a few miles to dept 87, so just next door. This is quiet a non tourist area, so plenty of real French life The Brenne forest is around that way, with lot's of bird life


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