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front windscreen blind


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Nothing ventured, nothing gained Sandy, seriously, be gentle but firm, make a careful note of exactly how it comes apart , and don't lose any bits.


Anything man has assembled, man can take apart, it's putting it back together that takes skill.


If they are Remis, which they probably are, go to the Remis website and download any information you can, before starting. Good luck. Ray

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sandypowell - 2016-02-15 12:09 PM


Hi, the night time/sun blind on the front cab windscreen of my Bessacar/Fiat has become detatched at the RH side. has anyone ever fitted these. Or can offer advise. I am afraid to unscrew everything in case I cant get it back together again ?




You may find, on close inspection, if its a Remis blind that the adhesive foam strip which secures the blind to the windscreen pillar has failed. If so just restick it with some new double sided sticky foam, after removing the old foam.


A tip from me is to try and get the right thickness foam, otherwise I'll be difficult if not impossible to lock the blind in the open position. Been there got the tee shirt.

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Thanks guys,


I'll try the Remis website. The blind has come off the bottom rail. it can still open and close but I have to be careful. It looks like you have to take the blind panel off the door pillar then the panel in front of that. I'm just scared it falls apart. Van is due for service and habitation check soon. perhaps better to leave it the professionals ?

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It’s not easy to advise on this without seeing what the problem is, but if Sandy’s Remis windscreen-blind is the same as that fitted to my 2015 Ducato-based Rapido 640 and the bottom rail has just become ‘loose' at the right-hand side (allowing the blind to come off the rail) disassembly may not be necessary.


The top and bottom rails of my Rapido’s windscreen-blind were both loose at their right-hand end and a cursory inspection showed that they were not attached to the right-hand screen-pillar blind-panel.


On my vehicle the left-hand end of each rail is male-threaded and screws into a female-threaded fitting attached to the left-hand screen-pillar blind-panel. The right-hand end of each rail is not threaded and should fit into a hole in the right-hand screen-pillar blind-panel. This was not the case with my Rapido.


The threaded fitting on the left end of a rail allows the rail’s length to be adjusted by rotating the rail, so all Sandy may need to do is rotate the bottom rail in one direction to shorten it so that the blind can be manoeuvred back on to the rail (assuming that’s necessary) and then rotate the rail in the opposite direction to lengthen it and cause it to reconnect to the hole in the right-hand screen-pillar blind-panel.


(There was a little more to this with my Rapido as the holes in the the right-hand screen-pillar blind-panel were too small to accept the ends of the rail and needed to be opened up.)

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