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NEC today


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We went today, not impressed, the buses from the South carparks kept going past full. After 1/2 hour waiting we walked.


The motorhome hall(s) were OK but there are several noticeable absences.


I never even bought a new M/H. Mind you the Chausson Flash 610 caught my attention, I will have another look when I can.



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Had a day at the show yesterday (Tuesday) a lot less people than the October show so from that point of view better. Stayed till the end and then used the van to cook a meal on the car park to get rid of the traffic problems you always get at the NEC. We were not the only van doing this and it worked fine, left at about 7 pm.The cheese man as normal was in attendance along with many small traders. Most but by no means all the major players had stands. No real new stuff but we had a nice day.
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Went Tuesday with a list of things we were interested in. Found it very useful, some stands were great esp Martin on Gaslow. However, I couldn't believe how many stands were manned by people who either knew nothing about what they were selling or didn't seem to care. A frequent response was I don't know much about that I'll get my colleague to explain. Really! Honourable mention for people non skills to Conrad Anderson. Asked the price of a cruise control.was told the only way to get an accurate price was to go on their website. Not sure why they bothered taking a stand. The 'demonstration" of a bike rack on the Roadpro stand was embarrassingly hilarious too, and the explanation that it was badly assembled but don't worry yours will be put together properly was not very reassuring.
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Yes, the stands are manned by part timers who are probably selling furniture next week.

Any query was met with a panicky stare, apart from on the small stands where the owners were selling their own accessories.

Even then there was a significant mark up over the Internet prices as they had to pay for the stands.(cadac £99 rather than £88)

I was chatting to one guy about how they get all the vehicles to and from the shows, he says they had two days to set the whole show up! Parking them all within an inch of each other, polishing them after the journey, and cleaning out every night.

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henrypartridge - 2016-02-24 9:58 PM


A frequent response was I don't know much about that I'll get my colleague to explain. .




I can understand your frustration but, to see it from a more positive angle, you have just met an honest salesman.




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There are a few ‘rest areas’ with seating inside the exhibition halls themselves - you can identify these from the catalogue or from here




Alternatively, you could take your packed lunches outside the halls (ensuring that you get your hand ‘stamped’ on the way out) as there is a fair amount of seating there - and it’s a mite more civilised. If you choose to eat early (say before 12) you should find a table & seat outside without much difficulty.


Not sure about food being “very expensive” at the NEC, but it certainly won’t be cheap - we took our own.

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The main generator blew a pipe off at 3.0 am last night on the CC NEC site . During a very hard frost !! So a lot of frozen campers first thing this morning as most have been using electric heating, fan heaters and oil filled radiators !! Possibly why the generator blew !!

At £35 a night , everyone saving their gas !!

All back on now

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