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What else do you put in your fresh water tank?


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Still being a bit new to this motorhome malarkey I was reading another thread on this forum which then prompted this question.


What else do you put in your fresh water tank?


I put a couple of 'Quest Aquatabs' in with each fill. No idea if they're any good or not, spotted them on the shelf at GoOutdoors.


Any other / better recommendations?


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Guest daven

two lads across from me work on the water system one for the board & one private company sub-contract got all the gear , Nether drink tap water after seeing inside the pipes both have in line filters at home BUT gave me some chlorination tablets to run though should have seen the colour that came out cleaned it out & did a test with a kit, But I would still not drink it bottle water for the brew


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Flush the water system through about Easter using Puriclean from Go Outdoors. And that's it. Been drinking out of water containers and fresh water tanks for over 25 years without any problem. However, we are in robust health generally, keep a watch on the tank for signs of algae or similar, and never leave water in the system for more than four days. If in doubt, we replenish.


More likely to kill you than the fresh water is the spray from the shower which could, in very extreme circumstances, breed legionnaires disease. Make sure you rinse through the hot water system - check the manual for the heater and do not use neat or strong Milton or similar products.


Always get your water from a recognised source or use tabs like you are doing. We use a food grade container or hose to fill the tanks. Some use a garden hose with no adverse affects.


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If you really must, go down to your local pub and ask the landlord for a drop of beer line cleaner. Over the years I must have drunk gallons of the stuff. Several million men in the UK can testify that it doesn't affect you (until the 4th or 5th pint!)

(The beer line cleaner doesn't affect you either!)
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I have relied entirely on rinsing with clean tap water from time to time with no problems  in over 20 years until last year when we filled up at a French Aire (nice looking one) in a village and subsequently noticed an unpleasant taste.  It was "a bit bleachy metallic" according to my OH, who has much better tastebuds than mine. 


We dumped this water, rinsed the tank well and refilled at a known good site the following day but strong hints of the bad taste persisted.  I drained and rinsed several more times but hints of the bad taste continued to persist.


This seemed to be chemical rather than any other sort of contamination and it probably wasn't harmful - but it certainly spoiled our brews and we had to resort to bottled water.  Eventually it went but I'd become convinced that the chemical had leached itself into the plastic of the tank, such was its persistence, before it eventually went away.


I suppose the remedy would be to install an active carbon filter or the equivalent into the water line but I haven't bothered and we've had no problems since.


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I drop a couple of ASDA sterilising tablets into my water tank at each fill, they are as cheap as chips and tasteless, if they are good for Babies they are good for me, or a little drop of MILTON now and again, some will say Milton can damage the Stainless steel in your hot water tank, I have used it for many years and have had no problems with this.We do not drink the water from our main tank but do use it for teeth cleaning so some gets ingested ,and as an avid wild camper I get my tank water from some obscure places at times including Desert wells in Morocco.works for me.
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Derek, does that mean you have to detach the head before entering the shower? Otherwise it looks like a useful motorhoming accessory. From when I had to have my office's showers cleansed after legionella was discovered in the showers, it's the steam more than the water that is the problem.


This might be a slightly more practical solution:




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As our vans have been S/H and water tank history unknown we have always carried 10-12 litres of local tap water for drinking in two litre ex milk containers as they are much handier than 5 litre containers.


The water in the tank is from local sources. We have done this over western Europe for the last 15+ years with no ill effects so far.

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