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Fiat Duccato, water in the engine


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Hi we have a Mobilvetta Motorhome, which is on a Fiat Ducatto chassis. Over the last few months we have noticed that water is getting in somewhere and filling up around the glow plugs, we have to remove the water, squirt wd40 onto it before it will start. I'm not sure where the water is coming in from, but having fiddled around (the hubby is away) that the seal at the bottom of the windscreen may not be sealed and the water seems to be trickling through there onto a metal bracket above the engine and dripping, having plugged this up with a cloth, tonight I found it to be sopping wet and the glow plugs,once more,under water. Any advise on what to use to seal this, will bathroom sealant do or something stronger? Also the airvent has a little puddle inside when the bonnet is lifted, is this normal.

Any advise will be gratefully received.

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If you do a Forum search using the single word "scuttle" and looking at all posts, you will have enough reading to last you for some days.


Water leaks onto the Ducato engine are a matter of considerable notoriety, but there is some good advice out there about reducing the leaks.


Try: http://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/Motorhomes/Motorhome-Matters/Underbonnet-water-ingress-update/16627/

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Before anything else including dropping of to sleep after hours of reading previous postings just check its not the drain at the end of the gutter below the screen has not been blocked by leaves or moss etc.


Fiat are slow learners three generations of Ducato/Boxer and earlier vans have suffered from water getting under the bonnet. Must be something to do with being designed in sunny Italy.

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Thanks, I'll check that tomorrow, pretty sure it was clear tho, the seal (scuttle thing) meets in the middle and I'm pretty sure what was sealing it together ain't doing its job, so may try some kind of sealant before investigating further. The recent inclement weather hasn't helped, we should have bought a winter cover!
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When parked up we use a cheap plastic tarpaulin (Toolstation or Screwfix) under the silver screen covers and tucked up high under the over hang and then over the scuttle onto the bonnet. Shouldn't need to but works a treat
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Our 2014 Auto Sleeper Broadway was the same, I removed the scuttle and cleaned away all the crap sponge seal and I stuck the 2 halves together and sealed the complete scuttle to screen with black tiger seal off ebay. I also made the side drains bigger and ran new drain hoses down under the wheel arches, under my bonnet is now bone dry.



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