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What ever happened to customer service

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I keep my van in a secure storage yard, when I first rented a space was told as long as my van is under 7m would be fine. After being there a few months got a phone call saying they wanted to move my van as they were installing more storage containers. So I moved it even though it was a little tight no problem. My van is 6.3m and I installed a Fiamma box on the back taking it to about 6.8m and got a phone call from the owner saying I might have to remove it as the van was now longer. I reminded him of the original conversation which he had no recollition off. He eventually said he will add a yellow line and to pull forward of this but not over the red line that was there. I did this no further issues, that was about 6 months ago.


Today I got a very sarcastic text message about I considerately parking my car, I was at work at the time and it took me a few minuets to realise my other half must of moved the van home to clean. So I called her and she told me she had already been back and moved them but would call him.


Whilst that was going on I received another text saying he was disappointed in me as we had now returned the motorhome and the wheel was over the yellow line (as per his instructions I might add)

My oh called him and got shouted at down the phone for parking inconsideratley, so she weNot back again moved the van back and explained she was sorry for any convenience but we were told to park over the yellow line but before the red one, he again claimed to have no recollition of this.


I got home to a rather upset oh who would not let me call him to discuss as she thought I may lose my temper and be rude so I sent a very politely worded request for information on how he would like us to leave the motorhome in the future as he had asked me to move it forward and for clarification as to what the point of the yellow line was if not.


I then got a further sarcastically worded text applogising for the fact I can't park properly and therefore due to health and safety would be serving me 7 days notice to move.


Although I will gladly take my business elsewhere I cannot get my head round the lack of customer service in this world. I manage a nursing home and if I or any of my staff spoke to,people like that would be in a lot of trouble.


Rant over just needed to get that of my chest and wish the gentleman all the luck with filling his yard in the future..>.....

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I find that in today's world, manners and politeness has much to be desired. When my children were learning their p's and q's I installed the same teachings that my mother taught me which were that manners cost nothing. When our children asked for something or was given something, we asked them what was the magic word, there reply was either, please or thank you. I'm happy to say that my granddaughter uses the same words.


It sounds like the owner of the yard had an unhappy childhood.



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Jonboymentalhealth - 2016-03-08 8:26 PM


Not sure even as angry as I am it's a good idea to name but if your local to me send me a pm and I'll let you know

if you have had bad treatment/ service, abuse etc then say who by. Why should they be allowed to dish out that sort of crap. They do it because they think they can get away with it, so don't let them or it will happen again and again. I put a thread on this Forum about the appalling service I had from Travelworld back last November Why should I be ashamed to say so. It's them that should ashamed at the awful so called service they provide.
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