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Newbie needs help comparing Rapido's (urgent)


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we are choosing between a Rapido 963 F and a Rapido 985F early 2004 editions --- I can't seem to find a direct comparison of the two.


Bizarrely the private sale of the two is more expensive than the trade.


Any advice gratefully received first motorhome going on a big trip with our 2 and 4 year old's

anything to look out for - are dealer guarantee's worth anything


Thank you

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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums.


It’s probably over-optimistic to expect to find simple “direct comparison” information relating to two quite similar models built by Rapido in the early-2000s, but you ought to be able to get a reasonable idea of the pluses and minuses of each model by carring out an internet search






and wading through the results.


Regarding buying secondhand motorhomes, there’s plenty of advice on-line




Buying privately normally means there will be no financial recompense if a problem not evident when the motorhome is purchased shows up later. For example




The terms and conditions, scope and duration of a motorhome dealer’s guarantee will vary from dealer to dealer. The first motorhome I bought was about 2 years old and obtained from a dealer. The vehicle soon developed an irreparable fault with its heating system and the heater was replaced at a cost of around £1100. The insurance-based guarantee provided by the dealer and included in the purchase price picked up £1000 of the cost. If I had bought privately I would have been out of pocket for £1100 rather than £100.

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Hi - I guess you are looking at a Rapido A class, which has the 9 prefix, on a 2.8 JTD engine. I cannot help you with the specifics of an A class, except to warn about the difficulties of getting a replacement windscreen if yours ever breaks, and the increased difficulty of engine access for any mechanical repairs.


I have owned a Rapido 741F since new in 2002, and after 75000 miles it is still going strong, with very little going wrong. The key is regular maintenance, so whichever you go for, go through the service history with a fine toothcomb. Especially important are oil changes at least every 2 years, and new cambelts every 5 years. Have other things been done, like wheel bearings and brake shoes? How old are the tyres - I had to change my rear ones with plenty of tread after I saw perishing on the sidewalls. Rust has not been a problem on mine (yet!) but you may need to get underneath and dirty to inspect. As far as the living space is concerned, Rapidos have a good reputation for build quality, but as Derek Uzzel suggests, go get a checklist of what to inspect.


As to dealer / private purchase, it comes down to trust in the end. I have sold other old vehicles privately, and have always been brutally honest in the descriptions with the faults, which has paid off with good prices and satisfied buyers. So if a private seller 'clicks' with you, and has a genuine reason for sale, you may be better off than a dealer who knows very little of the history. Also, a 12 year old vehicle may not have much warranty on it apart from a quick check from the dealer to make sure there is nothing obviously wrong with it. A new MoT will help at least in some respects.


Best of luck in your purchase, whichever it is - do keep us up to date with progress!

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