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Totally out of my depth.


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Will H - 2016-03-17 9:41 AM




Choose one item and post it on here, Have it answered then post another. Quite straight forward.


There is always someone who can give a good reply.


Give us a clue to age and gender.


Will (87)


Itz would appear to be male - here is a quote from his last post:


"...I have always been the person who knows what he is doing..."

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I think Will was hoping Itz was female because he probably associated the name with a popular song in the 1960's (when Will was a mere youngster):


Itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini, haha !!! What a great song - they don't make songs like that any more, thank goodness.


Apologies for going a tad off-topic but I think Will will appreciate the time-warp and tenuous connection - or maybe not!!!

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From itz or Rick's comments on 17 March he may be trapped by the common fear people feel when moving outside their comfort zone. If he is, then the solution could be to change behaviours which is a lot easier than people think once you know how. It's also a lot cheaper than selling the motorhome at a loss.
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Rich is certainly at a cross roads on whether to dump everything, and is finding it all rather daunting. By adding some of my details you can guess exactly what I'm like.


If Rich likes to PM me I'll call and see him.



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Itz sounds very much like all seven previous owners of my van!


One couple saw the photograph in a magazine, liked it, bought it over the phone, went out shopping for 'bits', travelled 300 miles on the train to collect it, drove back home spending just two nights in it, on the third day part ex'd it for a car and cash at a local dealer.


The guy i bought it off had never used it!

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itz - 2016-03-17 1:07 AM.....................................


1. I know nothing about batteries be they vehicle or leisure batteries, I just thought when I was driving batteries charged, when I stopped I hooked up to a point and batteries charged, ..................................


2. The MH has butane gas bottles which I thought were fine for cooking and heating, I never imagined there was a difference in the way the gas operated was dependant on winter or summer temperatures and that I should consider different gas for different circumstances.


3. There are other things that have just really confused the hell out of me, this is far from my first thought of buy it, fit it the way I want it, use it, get someone else to maintain it. I just thought I could just jump in it and drive it.



1. Batteries charge while you drive. They also charge when plugged into the mains. The problems with batteries arise largely with those who never use the mains connections to charge them, and try to eke out the battery reserves to the last available Amp hour. This is not what you are proposing, so I would not anticipate you would experience battery problems.


2. Install propane, it will work perfectly during both summer and winter. Just forget about butane, and you'll have no problems.


3. If you post what these other things are, I suspect they will have similarly simple solutions. In the meantime, you can indeed just jump in it and drive it. All you need to do is add water and fuel!

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Will H - 2016-03-17 5:26 PM


Rich is certainly at a cross roads on whether to dump everything, and is finding it all rather daunting. By adding some of my details you can guess exactly what I'm like.


If Rich likes to PM me I'll call and see him.



Well said Will; I was going to say similar, until I established where Rich is based.

A bit of mentoring would be handy to a lot of us in the early stages.

I'm lucky got two mates with lots of experience.


I'm not usually a "joiner" but local networks could be handy I guess.

Maybe that's the appeal of CC and CnCC, maybe moreso if you tug?


Good luck Rich, and don't be too hasty, it's worth the effort.


alan b

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snowie - 2016-03-18 9:44 AM


Will H - 2016-03-17 5:26 PM


Rich is certainly at a cross roads on whether to dump everything, and is finding it all rather daunting. By adding some of my details you can guess exactly what I'm like.


If Rich likes to PM me I'll call and see him.



Well said Will; I was going to say similar, until I established where Rich is based.

A bit of mentoring would be handy to a lot of us in the early stages.

I'm lucky got two mates with lots of experience.


I'm not usually a "joiner" but local networks could be handy I guess.

Maybe that's the appeal of CC and CnCC, maybe moreso if you tug?


Good luck Rich, and don't be too hasty, it's worth the effort.


alan b


I'd second that Alan and like you i'm not and never have been "a joiner". Much prefer going my own way but in the op's case i think you have a good point. I'd hate to think he's just going to sell up before giving things a go. If after a few months it doesn't appeal, then ok, but i got the impression it's all a bit hasty at the moment.

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starvin marvin - 2016-03-18 2:17 PM


Refreshing to know there are people doing this m/h malarky who are probably like me and don't have any idea what an alan, allan, allen, or alun key is.


Do I?should I?, really know. It's starting to make my head hurt again.


Well Tony,I know the difference between an Alan and an Allen Key 'cos the first one's the name my dad gave me when given the choice of how to spell it; he chose "Alan" because I'd remember how to spell it. It's probably made me very fussy that other people spell it correctly, and particularly, as it's so short don't shorten it further, but apologies for the detour OT,


alan b

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itz - 2016-03-17 1:07 AM

I perhaps should have explained more clearly my concerns, I bought the motorhome thinking I could use it quite extensively during the coming summer as I travel around the county and country playing lawn bowls, in August I will be in Leamington Spa for 15 nights, in September I am in Devon for 8 nights and I am visiting 38 clubs at all sorts of locations on various dates from April to end of September. I hadn't taken into account the problems of finding and booking sites, also getting to and from venues from those sites.

First of all I absolutely sympathise and understand your feelings. You've made a decision that seemed a good idea at the time without researching the key consideration - just how will you use it once you've got it. Forget all the technicalities, booking sites etc - that's just knowledge and experience - right now you're trying to hammer a nail with a saw - yes it will work but................ it's not the tool for the job.


From what you say above (my bold) I would agree that an MH the size of the one in your photo is totally wrong. You need to be mobile once you are at your location and looking at our local bowls club I can tell you right now a 7+metre MH would not even get up to the car park, let alone fit anywhere.


So, you either pitch up somewhere nearby, hopefully, then use taxi or bus or other source of transport, or find another way. If you cannot get from site to venue easily then you're not getting what you need - convenience and mobility.


1. Replace the MH with a small caravan and car combo - and I have to be honest I still wonder if I made the wrong choice in going MH rather than lugger. Pitch up and drive off into the sunset - but you may not fancy towing etc etc.


2. Replace the monster with something a bit smaller that CAN be used as a daily driver. If you are doing this solo then a good campervan would be more suitable if a little more basic in some areas. Grab your pitch, have a cuppa, hang a Pitch Occupied sign on the hook up then head off to the green.


3, B&B, Hotels, Guest Houses....................sorry but that's what we all want to get away from. However it may work better for YOUR needs which are the point here


Something like a top end Mazda Bongo conversion would give you luxury in a box that will drive and park anywhere - and it won't cost the earth. OK the bathroom facilities are a lot basic but everything else is great and if you're using sites then you've got facilities for that. VW and Ford Transit conversions are very good, but clearly you're going to take a financial hit if you sell your van so going lower cost may help.


Just my 2c worth -

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Many, many thanks, for all the replies to this thread, you have all contributed some very useful information.

I am going to give myself the chance to try out the motorhome next weekend, ferry to France on Saturday so I have a week to get prepared.

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itz - 2016-03-19 1:09 PM


Many, many thanks, for all the replies to this thread, you have all contributed some very useful information.

I am going to give myself the chance to try out the motorhome next weekend, ferry to France on Saturday so I have a week to get prepared.


Great news - good luck! Hope you enjoy.

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itz - 2016-03-19 1:09 PMMany, many thanks, for all the replies to this thread, you have all contributed some very useful information.I am going to give myself the chance to try out the motorhome next weekend, ferry to France on Saturday so I have a week to get prepared.

Excellent...well done on sorting the trip.  If it's any reassurance to building confidence in using your MH when we bought ours new back in 2010 the first night we stayed at a site local to the dealership in case of 'issues'.  Yes from the handbrake going on to 'trying' to get the elektrikery on there were problems. Despite paying close attention to the very comprehensive handover brief it took us over 2 hours to get the mains power (hook up) connected.  In our defence the cause of said problem was a small switch on a 'gizmo' under the passenger seat that needed setting to 'on'.  We couldn't contact the dealership there and then as it was past closing time however we did 'approach' them bright and early next morning.....to express our annoyance.

Now here's the nub of the story......the chap doing the handover told us all about this, that and the other regarding everything including 'this is how you get mains power' to the MH.  However as that was a 'talk through' we didn't actually put mains power on at handover time. So having had a bit of a 'rant' we asked said handover chappie to 'please show us how to get power to the MH'.....a practical demonstration.  The result was he couldn't do it. This switch, that switch....every switch and he couldn't do it.  At this point I showed him the small one under the passenger seat to which he said 'what is that'?  That you numpty said I is the switch that opens the gate to let the elektrikery flow into the MH circuitry.    Yes he had never seen it before which just goes to show even those we rely upon for 'basic information' are sometimes as much in ignorance as we who initially, as Manuel would put it....'know nothing'.

Happy travels :-)
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