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The Key thing to remember.......


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Sorry this is longwinded.

Van is a bespoke Fiat X250/120


Well we were going to Loughborough for 3 nights..........if things hd worked out differently.


Somewhere between the van, the garage and our kitchen, I "lost" the remote key for the van. I'd moved the van around on the drive a bit, to fill with water and make access to the side door a bit easier.

Then the key disappeared.

Still not found it as I post this query, so not going away.

We have a non remote key, so were going to use that for the weekend, a bit of a clat, but better than not going away.


I tried to start the van to move one more time before departing.



The dashboard warning light "vehicle with orange lock" and handbook suggests a coding issue.

Rang Fiat Commercial and it gets complicated.


They gave me a number for local "Keycodeman" who was helpful but a bit scary.


I appear not to have "Code Card" not in van or handbook folder, so looks like I'll have to go back to Fiat, rather than £160+ for non-Fiat option. Getting van to the garage could be an issue!!


Has anybody any experience of this problem? and a happy ending story?



alan b

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I'm having trouble with my remote the battery keeps going flat if I leave it in the slot.So after operating the remote to open doors I have to take battery out as I have said, so that I can open the door on drivers side and the passengers as well but not the sliding door. I had taken out the battery from the fob and switched on the ignition and started the van. Later whilst investigating the fob I dismantled it and took out the circuit board and tried to start the engine. Although the instrument lights came on including the ignition and the engine turned over it would not fire. This is because of the security system (can't remember the name) would not allow the motor to fire. I know that this is not going to help you but just to point out why it wouldn't start.
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PJay - 2016-03-18 10:29 PM


Alan b

Did you not get 2 remote keys with your van? We did.


May I suggest you let the MRS look for the key!! It works in our house!!




"Fraid not PJay, we bought the van 18 months old, and had it converted, so I guess the original white-van lessee just chopped it in for a new one and paperwork was not a high priority.

Still 5+ years, 34K miles and a hell of a lot of fantastic trips.........sorry I'm getting carried away!

Putting it in context maybe.

Mrs B has been out there in the house etc but no result ........yet


alan b

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From what you say, then the missing key MUST be somewhere in the house/driveway /pockets. The times I have misplaced my car keys, only to find them on my person in a pocket I did not check. 8-)


Just take your time and go from one area to another (slowly) looking in areas which you may feel it could not possibly be, they could possibly have fallen on the ground and been kicked to an out of the way area, things like that. I would also do the same in the van even under the bonnet. They are there somewhere. This is one of the pleasures of advanced ageing, :D Good luck.

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Hi, assuming the keys are magnetic material, eg steel, then if you can find a magnet and tie it onto a long string, then trail it through the lawn, or around the house with you.. it MIGHT just find the key.


failing that, recheck all the pockets in ALL of your clothes, and research through your wifes handbag,, try under the seats and down the sides of settee and armchairs.


some time ago, we had a steering wheel lock, which we used on the car. When we changed the car, the lock was temporarily stored in the garage. Needless to say, the gremlins hid the key somewhere, so we have had to scrap the barlock, as we cant get a key anywhere. The key has never been found, but the garage is not that big.. perhaps the mouse hid it somewhere.




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My worry would be that someone has picked up your 'lost' key and now has access to your pride and joy and worst of all could just drive it away.


Make sure that you secure your 'van with some thing like a steering wheel lock or wheel clamp until you can get the old key 'disabled'.


Try local automotive locksmiths to see if they can help.



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laimeduck - 2016-03-19 2:43 PM


Tongue in cheek a bit, but it has happened to me ... Have you looked in the fridge?


Well I have to say a big thankyou! not because they were in the fridge...............but having abandoned the trip, had a couple of glasses of red, and slept on it I was pretty chilled when I started looking again.


AND I FOUND THEM!!!!!, not in the garage, car, kitchen, bedroom, or out on the drive.

They were in "the shed". I'd had them in my hand when I'd turned the water hose off after filling the tank; I needed two hands to disconnect the hose; put keys down adjacent to stop-tap......and didn't pick them up on way out 'cos my head was full of other stuff that needed doing.

It's an age thing, and I think it's a "me" thing, too many things in head.


But I'll be calling at the Fiat Pro garage to sort out my keycodes; just in case.


Looking on the positive side we've "saved" £50 campsite, £60 meals out, £50 misc expenses, £200 say for key replacement, thats nearly £400 !!

"Always look on the bright side". family motto,


Regards and thanks all

alan b

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Can I suggest one of these in fact Im going to get one as my O.H couldnt find his in a car park in Scotland we were both getting in a flap :-D yes its an age thing alright



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maggyd - 2016-03-19 3:44 PM


Can I suggest one of these in fact Im going to get one as my O.H couldnt find his in a car park in Scotland we were both getting in a flap :-D yes its an age thing alright



Thanks, I'm thinking of getting a "Tile" think it has gps!

Also thinking either a lanyard for around my neck; or a piece of dayglo perspex approx 30cm square to attach to keyring!


alan b

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I know most will be sceptical of the following.....but it DID happen, we parked our motor home in an open parking area in the New Forest, had a picnic then I took the dogs for a short walk into the Forest, throwing their ball as I went. When I got back......no motorhome keys.....panic, late in afternoon and beginning to get dark, retraced my steps several times frantically looking....no luck. My Wife, who is a Christian sat quietly for a few minutes or so praying for help to find the keys. YES, I too was sceptical, But she went out, without me , and came back 5 minutes later......with the keys. Scary eh! And she hadn't picked my pockets. No locksmith required........thank God.?
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laimeduck - 2016-03-19 11:14 PMQuite seriously - I have a lanyard attached to a belt loop on my trousers/shorts and my keys are always on that and put in a pocket. 

I know my limitations and my stupidity! (Who else would put their keys in the fridge!)
I know someone who put their car keys in a mug and put the mug back into the cupboard. Took two weeks to find them!
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This made me chuckle, we have a large flower tub next to the hab door on our drive. Unlocked the door and without thinking dropped the keys into it, several hours of total panic ensued before we found them. Can't repeat what my other half called me. It's comforting to know other folk have senior moments!


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Reminds me of last year when we got our current van. We decided to nip down to a site in Cheshire to try it out. Got there went to fill the water.....whoops I've left the locker keys at home. No bother, showers on site lets get plugged in ........whoops ehu is in locker......gas locker locked. Let's walk to the pub along the very muddy towpath......whoops boots in rear locker.

Most of what my other half said was physically impossible as well as unprintable.

The site lent us a ehu lead and we stayed one night.

Lesson learnt we keep a spare set in the safe......now where did I put those safe keys?

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Colin Leake - 2016-03-20 7:31 PM


When we were young we used to have a party game we played with car keys and a fruit bowl. Could easily be played on site with motorhome keys. Just a thought!


Hope you had a swinging time, haha!!!

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