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Berker hole size?


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You can find comprehensive details of Berker socket/switch products here




As far as the ‘wall-box hole' diameter is concerned, apparently there are two different diameter wall-boxes - 45mm or 49mm - and the hole diameter recommended is consequently 46mm or 50mm.






As you know that a 40mm-diameter hole is too small, presumably you have a Berker socket/switch that you’ve been able to experiment with.


Just remove the socket/switch’s protective rear wall-box, place the open end of the wall-box on a piece of card and draw a thick pencil-line round the end. This will allow you to establish the diameter of the box. If you then cut around the outer edge of the pencil-line, you can use the card as a template prior to drilling the hole. If you find that you haven’t got a suitable-diameter hole-saw, just drill a series of adjacent small-diameter holes all along the pencil-line and then use a pad-saw to join the holes up.



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....if you aren't using wall-box protection (you should definitely put a protective box on the back of a mains socket, but may choose not to on a 12V unit, depending on location) then you can use a slightly smaller hole, depending on the unit being mounted and the protrusion on the back. (This is because the cover fits to the back of the socket and in the hole, not to the back of the mounting area).


This might be useful if you have a limited number of hole saw sizes (though, as mentioned elsewhere, use of a hole saw will likely rip the veneer on the rear unless used from both sides to the middle, or a sacrificial piece of scrap is used).


I have a feeling I used a 44mm hole saw for a combined TV/12V socket, but would have to check. I didn't worry about the veneer on the rear as it was in an inaccessible void.

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To fit a Berker socket with a back box requires a 45mm hole to be cut. The diameter of the back box is 44 mm so 45 gives a neat hole and allows the screw holes to have plenty of room. Unfortunately 45mm is not a standard size in sets from B&Q etc so you need to order one online, but they are easy to get and pretty cheap. Do not forget to get the spinmdle as well, unless you already have one.


My strategy was to very carefully measure for the center point, drill a small (3mm) pilot hole, open this up to just less than the spinmdle drill size and then go for the main cut. Also put masking tape all over where the hole saw will cut, or the fascia veneer will tear. Do not drill too fast and do ensure you are at right angles to the surface to be drilled. Or like me... put your glasses on first.

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