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newbie from easy coast north yorkshire


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thanks a bit of technical help would not go a miss actually. im thinking of adding a 2nd new leisure battery on the roof there is a 100w solar panel. am i right in thinking that it needs an isolator where the wire comes through the roof and fuses near the battery if so what size the battery in the home is a 110ah and the new onw will be equivlent im sure if seen diagrams on here how to wire but that was the begining of last year hope you can help.

many thanks (!)

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Yes, as to the battery you need to match the original as much as is possible, a direct copy would be the ideal, which is why some folk buy a pair of new batteries. Have you aked Elddis if they sell a extra battery harness ? Autotrail do one that just plugs into a pre-fitted plug. If not there have been several extra battery wring diagrams printed in the MMM, search 2nd battery wiring. Clive Mott-Gotobed is the electronics man ,he knows all the answers to your questions.
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Hi, and welcome to the madhouse.


my immediate question , in view of the fact that you have just acquired your new toy, is why do you think that a second battery is important.

My van has 100 watt roof mounted solar panel and associated controller, and only one leisure battery. The panel seems to give enough for normal use including my 100 watt amateur radio setup, and a 30 watt invertor to recharge the bike batteries.

unless you are hell bent on reducing your useable payload, for doubtful advantage, personally I would not charge off down the second battery route for at least the first season. Remember also, that you dont know the age of existing battery, so you might find that 2 batteries would be needed, to maintain compatibility.


the battery guru on here is clive, and he would be able to advise regarding wireing etc.


I still feel that you should get some experience before spending out more and losing payload


have fun and enjoy the new freedom



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thanks for the info im addin a sat dome and tv the van is mainly for comfort at work i get asked to do security for out of the way places so need to go off grid so to speak and sitting in a car for 12 hrs is doing my head in so opting for the comfort route now will still be going out and about enjoying trips hence the 2 batteries to power some luxuries



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Ok john, understand now why second battery might be useful in your case.. I guess the work involves some nighttimes so no sun to top up.


If you havent already, do study power requirement of satellite and proposed tv. And select the minimum power option that suits your requirements. Consider also the weight or payload characteristics of such equipment


cant help wondering how you manage to stay alert for your job, with the boring tv these days.!


Enjoy it and

good luck.



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Hi John and welcome to the forum and motorhoming.


There are a few considerations when considering your battery requirements including, as mentioned, having the same batteries (if one is significantly older than the other then you will not forget the full benefit of the new one) and, having just changed my fairly new Banner energy bull for two Varta LFD90 batteries I received a great deal of useful information on here - the thread was Batteries size/type - especially from aandncaravans who know a great deal about batteries and, importantly, charging them. I didn't know, for instance, that many onboard chargers will only charge up to a certain size of battery(s) and can be damaged if taken over their limit. They have a very useful website (search aandncaravans) with lots of technical info and advice about which batteries to go for.



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the battery was new in oct last year so told by the seller but discontinued now but found equivalent model and size the solar controller can charge 2 batteries 1 terminal already connected to leasure battery seller said that 1 charges both leasure battery and engine battery and second terminal attached to 2.5 electrical wire to 2 croc clips under lounge seat ?for new battery i suppose, am i right in thinking that wiring the new batteries in parallel will charge both at same time ?
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