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Inputting POI's on a TOMTOM


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I am fully aware of the various instructions etc regarding imputing POI's onto TOMTOM's but my request is for someone to actually SHOW me how to do it. Its all right to say, do this, do that etc but I am useless on the subject and really need to be shown how to do it.

So is there anyone out there in the area around Chelmsford, Essex who I could go to and be given a short lesson on the way to do it.

Thank you


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I can understand your problem, TT must have the least intuitive system I've ever come across. I had problems with some of my icons and TT kept saying it was my fault, it was a member on here that had a similar problem who came up with an answer, on telling TT how we sorted it, they just replied insinuating we had no idea what we where talking about.

As a last resort any pc shop should be able to sus it out,but I guess it would cost.

Anyway you have reminded me I need to load poi's on my new TT, wish me luck


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Hello and thanks to all above responders.

I have got my older TT XXL with all Europe onboard and have just got a new TT Go6100. The reason I am replacing the XXL is because my Europe maps have to be split up into zones and if you are travelling between zones its very time consuming trying to transfer the maps etc. The XXL is still working okay with no problems and it has my outdated POI's which were loaded by my son for me before he went of to Aussie 4 years ago and I want to replace them with the updated POI's.

As for the GO6100, I need to upload the same POI's to it.

I am not at home at this moment and when I get back Monday I will give that Utube one a try, on the face if it, it may work for my XXL. WKUA on that

Many thanks

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Sounds like a good excuse for a trip to Oz, funny enough just as I started reading this the Rellies phone from Moruya.


My latest TT is a 5100 so uses same system as yours, I haven't updated it yet, but will have to some time or other.

p.s. have you discovered yet that traffic and speed cameras don't work until you log in on the actual TT,

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Barney123 - 2016-04-10 6:28 AM


As for the GO6100, I need to upload the same POI's to it.

I am not at home at this moment and when I get back Monday I will give that Utube one a try, on the face if it, it may work for my XXL. WKUA on that

Many thanks




Hope that helps as some "how to do" YouTube clips are actually quite good. Much depends on the professionalism of the presenter....some are pretty good whilst others are appallingly bad which end up leaving you more confused than what you were!


Here are another couple of links which should help; https://en.discussions.tomtom.com/go-and-start-40-50-60-series-go-400-500-600-5000-6000-mydrive-176/pois-on-go-6100-991879


Also the TomTom forum which is quite good; http://www.tomtomforums.com/

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I have been given a start 25 with uk/ireland maps.. an unwanted prize from a raffle.


I have managed to download (and pay for) western europe maps and they have been installed ok


I have struggled to add pois for aires and france passion, but finally found the secret.. too long winded to post and probably not appliccable for other devices.


sadly, the device has a faulty micro sd card socket.. the card wont latch in, and even wedging it in, it still wont work, so I give up. Repair cost are more than a new device, and as I dont have initial purchase receipt, I cant invoke warranty.


in spite of this, it works on the nearly full memory, but is slow.. bigger memory is needed.


I plan to try my own skill to repair it by replacing the connector, but cant source the correct item yet. It is worth attempting and if successful, would be a useful device. Identifying the correct connector is the main problem, as I cant find a detailed handbook. Any suggestions???





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Hi Barney123


Gad to hear you have managed somehow but still happy to help if you need it.


Hope you enjoy your trip in the meanwhile you may like to keep an eye on the following if you are not already.


The newer Go units can occasionally stop talking to Tomtom 's servers so traffic etc will not work. To check do the following:-


Click Menu (3 dots)

Check if the Cloud image top right is showing it is working.


To check or correct any problems.


Click Menu

Flick right and select Tomtom Services

If shows My Drive is Activated if not click on it and log in if needed.


All the best.



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