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Thetford toilet problem


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I have a strange issue with the Thetford toilet in my 1993 Hymer B644.


When the flush is activated the water pump can be heard running but no water runs into the toilet bowl. Then when the flush is released the motor continues running and only disconnecting the brown wire feed to the pump (above the main water tank) will stop it. after a period of time I can reconnect the feed and the motor doesn't run. At this point the taps in van all work fine, but if the toilet flush is activated the problem repeats?


Has anyone experienced this or a similar issue?


Does anyone have and suggestions to the possible cause and a fix?


The water tank is full and the toilet cassette is in place and empty.







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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Paul.


I think it likely that your Hymer has a Thetford C2/C3/C4 bench-style toilet, and I’m guessing that you have the C3 model that takes its flushing water from the motorhome’s main fresh-water tank, with the water being delivered to the toilet by the motorhome’s own water-pump.


Flushing a C3 toilet involves a 12v relay and an electric valve that should open when the flush-knob is operated. It sounds from your description that operating the flush-knob causes the main water-pump to run (which it should) but does not cause the toilet’s electric valve to open.


I don’t know why the pump continues to run when the flush-knob is released, but I’d be looking at what your toilet’s flush-knob is doing, and the condition of the relay and the electric valve. If I remember correctly, the toilet will have its own 12v fuse accessed from within the cassette-locker - so it would also be worth checking that.


I’m doubtful that it will be practicable to successfully diagnose the cause of your problem without physically checking the toilet, but there is a large Thetford repair manual on-line that may be helpful and advice on the earlier bench models can be found here:





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