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Peterborough Show


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From the forecast, anyone who is already there will be sheltering from the rain or wandering the trade area with an umbrella and possibly wellies!


Forecast rain tomorrow too so we're planning to day visit on Sunday; hopefully the rain won't have been too heavy and there won't be too much mud to be negotiated.

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Hi, We went today we only live a few miles away but have to say we were glad to come home. It rained all day and with a cold wind and some of the outdoor stands were very muddy inside as well as out. We got the bits and pieces we needed from stands in the cattle sheds.


I don't know if it was us but there didn't seem to be as many stands there this year, there was certainly a lot of gaps inside and out.


Hope the weathers better for you guys when you visit!

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Pete-B - 2016-04-15 7:46 PM....I don't know if it was us but there didn't seem to be as many stands there this year, there was certainly a lot of gaps inside and out....


I suppose it's possible that some of the exhibitors have looked at the weather forecast and written the weekend off as not worth turning out for.  The Peterborough Show is by far the biggest and best if the weather is right but April in UK is inevitably risky, weatherwise.


If I go on Sunday I'll take my wellies!


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We cut our stay short by leaving today. By Thursday evening they were towing vans on to the grass pitches. As we came away on Saturday morning very few people were escaping their pitch without the tractors' help.


It's rained off and on from Thursday to Friday, it's cold, and even the show ground is muddy on some stands. Warners have done a pretty good job in trying to cope with the weather.


Day visitors might get to park on the hard standing car park. The weather on Sunday is looking good. The stalls and dealers are braving it - some are on hard standing or under cover.


I'd say its worth a trip for a day in the car but take suitable clothing/footwear to cope with mud, probably a chilled wind c8C, and unlikely light rain.

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Congratulations tazdog. I'm surprised you went for a Chausson and not the c£195k Niesmann & Bischoff Flair or the even more expensive Morello. I guess you know a bargain when you see one!


We were towed off after wandering around trying to find a tractor. I was kept company by another brass monkey as we stood trying to flag one down. We did in the end. Felt sorry for the guy because he was being chased by several other motorhomers yet he was doing his best.


Good luck with the new van.

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We were there in similar conditions 4 years ago and got towed off on the Sunday along with a couple of thousand others. No real need to chase the tractors tomorrow, they know they will be needed, just switch on your hazard lights and they will come to you (eventually). Have a fiver ready.
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I got up this morning to a bit of sunshine with the option to drive for a couple of hours to Peterborough and put my wellies on to cope with the mud and decided against it.


It would be nice to browse the trade area for new ideas but we would be more likely to buy something we don't really need than get something genuinely worthwhile, so we stayed at home to do a few jobs instead.  Sorry traders (and Warners) but we're giving this year a miss.


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