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European Insurance decision.....


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We have a 2004 Rimor on a diesel Transit, all well-maintained and regularly serviced ( the van, not us btw).

We're based in Ireland, and are planning two substantial trips this year...one around the UK and one around northern France.

As the van is now twelve years old, we feel that breakdown recovery insurance is becoming more of a neccessity than an option.

Having spent hours trying to find an insurer that would cover us for a van of our age based in Ireland, we finally joined the UK Caravan Club. This will enable us to obtain cover from Red Pennant insurance. Unlike our regular insurers (Aviva), Red Pennant offer vehicle repatriation, which gives real peace of mind. I have a nagging fear of a major blow-up (timing belt breaking?) and being stuck in France with a massive repair bill.

So, problem potentially solved..but the cost of cover will be quite high, and there's enough of the 'chancer' left in us to just go with our basic Aviva breakdown cover (one hour assistance at the roadside, towed to the nearest garage etc).


So, do we spend a fair chunk of our limited holiday budget on the Red Pennant cover, or spend a smaller amount on having the van thoroughly checked over before the trips? The timing belt has been on there since before we bought the van in 2007, according to the note painted on the cover, it's not due for changing for a good while yet.....but a friend of ours had a belt break recently and blew his engine.


Alternatively, is there a cheaper breakdown cover out there that we haven't found yet? The two stumbling blocks are '2004' and 'based in Ireland'.


Advice and comments appreciated, as always.


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cruiser - 2016-04-16 10:47 AM



So, problem potentially solved..but the cost of cover will be quite high, and there's enough of the 'chancer' left in us to just go with our basic Aviva breakdown cover (one hour assistance at the roadside, towed to the nearest garage etc).


So, do we spend a fair chunk of our limited holiday budget on the Red Pennant cover, or spend a smaller amount on having the van thoroughly checked over before the trips?



Advice and comments appreciated, as always.



As you say you are a ' chancer ' only you can decide how much of a chance you want to take - and how much you will be worrying ( and spoiling your trip ) if you don't have complete cover.


Don't forget that you could also have hotel bills as well if you van was stuck in a garage for a few days -

( breakdown insurance will probably cover that as well as repatriation costs ).



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There are types of insurance which I consider unnecessary, for example special insurance for my car trailer, so I take the risk (eg of theft) myself but adequate breakdown cover isn't one of them - because the costs of breaking down and being recovered from abroad are potentially high.


Likewise I don't take the risk of not replacing my timing belt, which in my case is supposed to be every four or five years, depending on whose recommendation you believe.  Again, the costs of a belt failure are high so it's worth paying the cost of replacement instead.  Are you sure your 2007 timing belt shouldn't have been replaced by now?  I'm about to replace the belt on my 2006 MH for the second time, despite low mileage.  Indeed I think I'm already overdue.


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cruiser - 2016-04-16 10:47 AM


The timing belt has been on there since before we bought the van in 2007, according to the note painted on the cover, it's not due for changing for a good while yet.....but a friend of ours had a belt break recently and blew his engine.



Timing belts are 'lifed' by two criteria, mileage and age, whilst you may not have got anywhere near the mileage figure you are at the age figure.

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We too were well over the 'age' side of things with a 2007 van which we bought last November and the dealer said that as the van had only done 10k miles there was no need to change the cambelt etc. Had it done yesterday and our Mechanic said it was on the verge of going so definitely did the right thing. Fiat say 4/5 years before changing.


As far as breakdown insurance is concerned try ADAC, although a German company we in the UK can avail ourselves of their service. Try this email address amanda.moser-wickles@sby.adac.de they do speak English and there is a telephone number but can't find it at the moment. This is what we will be doing at the end of the month when our breakdown runs out.


The number for English speaking is 00 49 94 15 23 44 or the phone number in the booklet is

00 49 89 22 22 22

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I would definitely get the belt changed as it is age as well as mileage that affects it and the tensioners. For the sake of couple of hundred quid why risk a couple of thousand plus and spoil your holiday?


As regards breakdown, not sure with being based in Ireland but here in England Safeguard are the best you can get in my opinion for vehicle insurance and included brakdown. My 10 yr old 2.8 Ducato 7m is covered for £244 pa including UK/European breakdown with unlimited stay abroad.

I had the misfortune to break down in Spain this year when an injector blew in the middle of nowhere, EMS light came on and loss of power. 1 phonecall to Safeguard and they took ownership of the problem, arranged recovery, diagnosis, parts, labour and road testing and we were up & running in 5 hrs with constant telephone updates from an English speaking person in Madrid. Really superb service and very reassuring in a foreign country.

If they will cover you in Ireland, I would definitely suggest you look at this option.


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I should have added that if you use ADAC it is the person/couple who are covered regardless of the vehicle and covers repatriation. I have the English Terms and Conditions if you want to pm me with your email address. The cost for a couple, I think, 98 euros.
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I admit that we use ADAC, not that we have actually ever had to use it for real, but for the price it gives us what we need. I also agree the fact that it is the people who are covered regardless of vehicle is a bonus as we have a caravan as well as a motorhome. However, one thing I would stess is that ADAC has only very lmited medical cover, so if you need this then obviously getting a suitable policy is the best bet. BY the way ADAC use the AA, as far as I am aware, if you break down in the UK.


I will not knock the Red Pennant, it does cover for virtually evryhting but then again, at a price. This is something only you can tell if is value or not. I also assume that when you state 'European insurance' it is recovery you have in mind, not actuial rod insurance, as this is a totally separate matter.

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cruiser - 2016-04-16 10:47 AM


We have a 2004 Rimor on a diesel Transit, all well-maintained and regularly serviced ( the van, not us btw).


...The timing belt has been on there since before we bought the van in 2007, according to the note painted on the cover, it's not due for changing for a good while yet.....but a friend of ours had a belt break recently and blew his engine....



A 2004 Ford Transit SHOULD be a ‘Mk 6’ model (built from 2000 to 2006) and all of the diesel motors fitted to those vehicles have timing-chains NOT timing-belts.


Suggest you speak to a Ford agent. ;-) ;-)

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vino - 2016-04-17 10:09 PM


Please can anyone tell me who Safeguard use for insurance as I use a broker for Aviva and pay a lot more than £250 - many thanks


The underwriters of Safeguard motorhome-related insurance policies are identified in the “Whose policies do we offer?” section on the following link:




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