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Adding more lightness


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As we edge ever closer to success in importing our Peugeot/Pilote into France, today's task was to take it to the weighbridge. No problem as such, front axle 1320 kilos against 1650 kg on the plate, and 1620 kg on the rear axle against 1750 kg on the plate, with the van empty. We will be removing the tow bar thing and it's bracketry which I'm hoping will take about 30 kilos off the back, and as we have a 6 foot overhang I expect to reduce the weight on the rear axle by more than that and add a bit more to the front. We are also removing the defunct aircon which is perched right on the back of the roof, so that will be a further 10 or 15 kg off the back axle and add another bit to the front. We will also remove the 1500 watt inverter from under the settee and that will save us a bit more. The nett result will be an increase in the payload of about 50 kilos bringing us up to about 320 kilos of payload, and whilst it's not perfect I think we can mange at that. That doesn't stop me thinking about what else I could remove, and I'm wondering about the awning. I believe that they weigh in at about 30 kg, and I wonder if it would be practical to find something to replace it which weighs a lot less. I seem to recall that Andy Stothart, on his van, had a simple sheet which fitted into a length of caravan awning rail and propped up on a couple of aluminium poles, I quite like the idea, and it would weigh a lot less than a conventional awning. I would like to hear from anyone who has tried, or thought, about it.

I do wonder, though, why Pilote would build such a relatively big A class van on a 3200 kg chassis, the extra 300 kg that we would have if they'd gone for the 3500kg chassis would be worth having, and it's hard to imagine that the cost would be so much higher.


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Archiesgrandad - 2016-04-21 6:24 PM


We took the aircon off the roof of the van today, it weighs a staggering 40 kilos. If I have under-estimated the weight of the towbar thingy by the same amount the van will have gained best part of another 100 kilos of payload. Life seems so good.



What have you done about the hole in roof? Have you put a Heki in ? If so did you get one the right size?


Very interested, as we thought we might take ours of, That is if we keep the van


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There are possibly shorter awnings or can what you have, be moved forward a trifle.


The awning business provides a shelter for the non DIY person and those who must have one. Its also a very convenient store for the bits and pieces that go to make one.


What is an awning for ... sunshade and light rain mostly plus a bit of self security from passing birds.


Anything is possible for a DIY enthusiast. Canvas, poles, straps, pegs etc: Plus it saves weight.

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The hole left by removing our aircon is exactly 40cm x40cm, and there is a simple wooden frame lining the edges. We are considering fitting either a Mini Heki, CG's choice, or a Fiamma Turbovent, my choice, both are available to fit a 40cm aperture. The battle lines are drawn, but for the moment I have stuck a piece of plywood over the hole with Sikaflex as our first priority is to get the registration completed.

I'm just flabbergasted by the weight of the aircon, I get the feeling that since selling our RV a few years ago we have habitually driven around overweight, and I look forward to getting legal .


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Archiesgrandad - 2016-04-21 6:24 PM


We took the aircon off the roof of the van today, it weighs a staggering 40 kilos. If I have under-estimated the weight of the towbar thingy by the same amount the van will have gained best part of another 100 kilos of payload. Life seems so good.



Great news!


Interesting too, I had no idea an aircon unit weighed that much. Can I ask what make it was?


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You might consider fitting a ‘bag’ awning




These are aimed primarily at caravans, but it would be possible to mount one on a motorhome. Realistically though, it would be more sensible just to keep your present ‘proper’ awning and (If you really MUST) make weight-savings elsewhere - like travelling with less water.


Unless you hanker after the Turbovent’s fan option I suggest you choose the latest version of the Mini Heki rather than the Fiamma product.

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When I first bought a motor home I immediately had an awning fitted and put a spare wheel and hanger underneath. I never considered the extra weight in those days, and my wife's cast iron pots and pans didn't help either.

I've put the dogs on a diet now, they weighed 85k together at the vets yesterday.

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Our unit is a Waeco Coolstream 1500, and it was fitted in 2007, along with a 1000 watt inverter. The inverter is pretty heavily inserted into the 12 volt electrical system, and I am hoping that in removing it I haven't wrecked the rest of the system. It's pouring with rain at the moment, so I've decided to watch a bit of snooker, until it dries up a bit.


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