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Newbie needs advice


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I am a complete noob about motorhomes, and all I know is simply obtained with online research, although it always fascinated me, and I need some advice/opinions about my thoughts. Recently I changed my job and now work remotely full time, as a software developer. All I need really is a laptop and internet connection, which is giving me some ideas to take advantage of this flexibility and spend some time in a nicer weather and travel to France/Spain/Portugal.


Initial idea was simply to rent somewhere there but the dream of doing it while on the road with a motorhome is now in my mind.


There's a few questions I need to answer before moving forward with this idea and maybe someone can give me some advice.

Would it be possible to have 2 laptops (20/30 watts each - my girlfriend will also be working on her own project) on 6/8/10 hours a day without being hooked up all the time? We would be mainly in southern european countries with more sunlight than here in West Yorkshire, I would suppose that in this situation and needing a lot of power getting solar with be a good option, how much in average does it cost to install solar panels/leisure batteries to cover our requirements?


Also, internet could be possibly be a bit of a struggle. Any solution which you would recommend apart from the usual 3g/4g usb dongles? How is the coverage around France/Spain?


A lot of questions and I'm sure there's still a lot more which I don't have in mind yet, but if you have any other advice I would really appreciate it.




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You say you will have 2 laptops working (20 - 30 watts each).


That sounds too optimistic, my last Laptop was rated at 60 watts. 8-) That is why I now use a netbook instead (just for browsing and keeping up with forums etc.)


Apart from that, you may need a hookup as southern Europe sometimes gets cloudy days and rain at times. A campsite cost should be nothing compared to the ability to be making money by working.


A friend of mine still does his IT work while abroad, so you should manage OK with the right setup.

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They are working if you read enough, I have been reading this blog for about 3 years, admittedly they don't work all the time but both of them can work off their laptops wherever they feel like it.


They are earning money not only from their blog but from other sources as they have to earn a living to fund this on a permanent basis.

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Andy&Lou - 2016-04-26 12:26 AM


I would think the easiest solution is to buy a generator. They are not cheap for a good quiet Honda one circa £700 but they deliver electricity exactly when needed.






But prepare to be unpopular if running one continuously if your within 100 mtrs of anyone


Look up internet via satellite theres some good packages available http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Oyster-Internet-Satellite-System-for-Motorhome-Caravan-Horsebox-/360774423846?hash=item53ffd4d526:g:rp4AAOxyM89SanzD

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