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Oyster Sat Fault.


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Hi, I have the Oyster Premium Auto system fitted to my van and for some reason it's lost its way. Instead of the arm going back into the groove on the base it is sitting on one edge of it, so I'm assuming it hasn't reset it's self. Now it won't work at all. Does anyone know how it can be reset. The dish is controlled directly from the TV. The system is only a year old. Unfortunately I'm in Spain and don't know of anyone here that could help. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.



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Perhaps the bolt that holds the arm has become loose. Suggest you try and get up on the roof with the dish up and test if there is any sideways movement.


I'm also in Spain - Cap Blanch, Altea if that's any help.

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Glad to hear you've managed to reset the dish with Anthony's help.


A brief disruption of the reset procedure might help others in a similar situation. Did it involve getting up on the roof and fiddling with the bolts or can it be done from the menu?

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Hi, I had to get steps on the campsite and get up to the dish. As the arm was resting on the edge of the recess I was able to push gently in and when I re-powered the dish I could hear the relays clicking. Power up the TV and up she went and locked on in a couple of minutes.


If I couldn't have pushed the arm in without any great force I wouldn't have done it.


Hope this helps .

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