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How many handbrake 'clicks' ???


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Had our 1st week away over Easter in Norfolk and the campervan was fine apart from a few niggles it has to go back for. We've just come back from Cornwall and due to the obviously hilly terrain found our handbrake pretty useless. Now I know that needs adjusting ( it was supposed to have been serviced before handover). I counted 14 'clicks' to be full on and still in places we rolled. The lever is more 'pulled back' to achieve this which obviously makes it near impossible to release as there's nowhere for your arm to go because its hitting the cab side. So rather than pulling up a few clicks its actually pulled back. So my question (eventually) is "how many 'clicks' do you have.
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Clearly the OP,s handbrake isn't properly adjusted because he wouldn't otherwise be having a problem with the angle of pull.  I'm used to half a dozen or so clicks and not many more.


Always pressing the button as you pull the handbrake on, releasing it only once you've reached full application of the handbrake (in order to minimise wear on the ratchet notches) crops up in the IAM driving method and test so there are plenty of adherents.  But actually I think it's silly thing to make a fuss about doing it all the time, as if you can't be a good driver without doing that consistently. I suspect it survives from the days, before manufacturers knew how to manufacture a durable ratchet.


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Guest pelmetman
Wallynnette - 2016-05-08 3:28 PM


As do I, but silence doesn't measure anything. :-S


14 clicks 8-) ....... I suspect your a bit slack in the handbrake department ;-) ........


In the olden days it was adjusted in minutes with a spanner........Now days its probably computer operated and will need a nerd, at umpteen pounds per hour :D .......



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It's not that hard to adjust.


You should have it lifted off the ground at the rear with all the normal safety precautions and then remove one wheel bolt per side. The adjuster can be accessed with a screwdriver. Adjust until the wheel won't move than back it off a fraction. Set both sides the same and then adjust the cable underneath for fine tuning. Don't just adjust it on the cable. It does not work like that!


4 or 5 clicks is fine, more than 7 is probably not going to work. The amount of 'positive feel' is more reliable a measurement than clicks.


If the above does not work for you; get someone who knows what they are doing to decide if it needs cables or if there are potentially any bent or worn parts inside. When it comes to the MOT test, the vehicle will fail if there is not 'significant retardation' when the hand brake is applied on a rolling road. This retardation needs to be evenly balanced between the wheels.


You should never carry out work on brakes (or a number of other safety critical items) unless you are confident and have the appropriate tools for the job.

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A couple of years back our van was about to fail it's MOT on the parking brake.

It had been parked up on the level most of the winter with little use and with the handbrake off and had corroded.

At my suggestion the tester allowed me to drive it up and down the road pulling the handbrake on and off until I felt what I thought might be a bit more retardation upon which it passed - just!

I had the brakes cleaned, checked and adjusted next day but it made no real difference other than peace of mind!

It seems although they hold well on a slope they are not the best brake in the world for retardation and sometimes need all the help they can get!

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Thanks for the replies, pretty much all along the lines I was thinking. I've spoken to the dealer and it will be sorted under warranty along with a few other issues. My thoughts now are, did this have a full and proper service before we picked it up. If it did then I wouldn't mind meeting the 'mechanic' that did the service and ask him "how come".

The camper had just under 10k on and we've only put 500 or so on.

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If the ratchet sounds need to be counted then 4 is enough. However I always press to release the ratchet pointer so never hear how many. When my hand brake arm gets raised too high that's enough for me.




"Knows nothing"

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