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Fridge question


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I have just bought myself a little Timberland motorhome , the previous owner left manuals etc except for the fridge ! I have tried it today on hook up but it doesnt seem to be getting cold . I have left it for hours and nothing .

I tested it on gas and it lit fine ( didnt keep it on to test the coldness)

Am i missing something obvious that i should be doing ?

I have put the correct rocker switch on but just expected that was all i needed to do .( oh and plugged the lead in the socket outside of course) other electric works.

It is an Electrolux /3 way but not sure what model .

Unfortunately i cannot ask the seller as she was selling it for her aged mother after her father had recently died. The van came with everything left in it, just as last time it was used so i have no reason to doubt the auhthenticity as they had owned it from new and the upkeep generally is good.

Yes i am blonde ! and single ! so any advice would be appreciated . always had a man to sort these things in my past vehicles !





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This is very obvious, but just in case ...............................


If the fridge is an Electrolux / Dometic type with the electric controls on the left and the gas on the right, then there is one simple thing to check first. It may sound too obvious, but I have been caught by it in the past and that is to check that the fridge is actually switched on when mains is connected.


The two electricity supply switches show Red for 12 volt and only lights up when selected and the engine is running, the mains switch shows green when the 230 volt mains supply is connected even when the fridge is switched off at the rotary thermostat knob. The thermostat knob is also the on / off switch and if it is rotated right the way round, will turn the fridge off (with the green light still on). Make 100% cetain that you have the control properly set.


If the electric controls are properly set and the fridge still does no work, then give it a good go on gas and let us know the outcome.

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Unlike my fridge indoors whereby the lower the number the colder it is, the fridge in my MH works the other way round, the higher the number on the dial the colder it is B-)


As above, does the mains switch light up green when on?


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Thanks for your replies. The fridge is old so doesnt have any lights but i am going to try a few things today.

I was out on a trial run yesterday for an hour and the 12 v works fine when driving so at least the fridge does work .

I am going to make sure i have the van dead level & maybe twiddle with the temp control.

Will also try the gas for longer too now i have a new bottle !!

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Hopefully it is just something simple..(switch/fuse/trip/relay/incorrect operation ? etc)


But as the *gas and 12v is working (*and they tend to use relatively little gas anyway),then unless you are going to be pitched up for days on end, paying for hook-up, then the lack of the 240v wouldn't really be that much of an issue....


Obviously, if there is a fault that is cheap and easy to fix, then get it fixed but as you say it's "old" IF it did turn out to be something more expensive, I think I'd just try to work with the gas & 12v and see how you get on.



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suethedriver - 2016-05-09 10:07 PM


...It is an Electrolux /3 way but not sure what model...





If there’s no visually obvious model reference on your Electrolux 3-way fridge, there’s normally a stick-on label inside the fridge that identifies it.


The model reference for the type of Electrolux/Dometic 3-way fridge fitted to ‘European-built’ motorhomes/caravans starts with the letters “RM” followed by a number sequence. (RM123, RM4210, RM8505, etc.).


If you can identify your fridge’s model, you can probably download a manual for it using this link




Type the reference (eg. RM123) into the Model Number (Mod.) box and links to downloadable PDF files should appear.


This generic video-clip may be helpful (though I note that your fridge apparentlyhas no lights on the switches, which seems odd.. How old is your Timberland motorhome?)



If you are sure that your fridge cools OK on 12V when the motorhome is driven, it’s reasonable to assume that its cooling system is in working order. (It would be worth you confirming this by testing the fridge’s cooling by running it on gas as spospe advises.)


If the fridge will cool OK on 12V and gas but not on 230V hook-up, there’s a fair chance that it’s the fridge’s 230V heating element that has failed and will need replacement.


Careful levelling was necessary with older Electrolux fridges, but (in my experience) problems resulting from the fridge being out of level are more likely to occur when running on gas than when operating on 230V mains hook-up.

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As I said earlier, what I find peculiar is Sue’s comment that "The fridge is old so doesnt have any lights...”


I believe Timberland started trading in 1999, but (to the best of my knowledge) all Electrolux 3-way fridges marketed by then had illuminating operating rocker-switches. My 1996-built Herald motorhome had a RM4271 fridge and that certainly had illuminating rocker-switches as described in the Electrolux manual that can be viewed here




The procedure for initiating 230V operation is detailed as follows:


- Turn off gas or 12 V operation when applicable.

- Turn the knob © of the thermostat to its highest (col­dest) position.

- Set switch (B) to position I. The switch will light up green when the power supply is connected.


Rocker-switch B on a RM4271 looks like the attached photo and this would be the norm for this type of simple Electrolux 3-way fridge.


On Sue’s fridge, if the rocker-switch that selects 230V operation does not illuminate when pressed to its On position then (as has been said above) the likelihood is that no 230V power is reaching the fridge. This may due to something simple (like the ‘trip switch’ on the motorhome’s 230V consumer unit needing to be reset as Pete mentions) or there may be a genuine electrical fault. It might even be the case that the switch itself functions OK but just fails to illuminate, but it’s more likely that not illuminating means 230V power isn’t reaching the switch.




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The fridge in my 2005 freedom caravan didn't have any illuminated switches or internal light. The 2014 fridge we have now has a rotary selector on the front, but does have an internal light. Both are dometic/electrolux
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Charles - 2016-05-11 3:44 PM


The fridge in my 2005 freedom caravan didn't have any illuminated switches or internal light...


That’s why it could be helpful if Sue can identify the model of Electrolux fridge in her Timberland motorhome, or at least say when the motorhome was built.


My understanding is that the Dometic brand-name has been used for leisure-vehicle fridges since 2001. Before that the fridges were branded Electrolux, so it sounds like Sue’s fridge is probably pre-2001.


There were small ‘entry-level’ Electrolux 3-way fridges (eg. RM123) without illuminating switches, but their operating procedure differed from that of the more upmarket appliances and (I think) did not have rocker switches.

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suethedriver - 2016-05-11 8:51 AM


Thanks for your replies. The fridge is old so doesnt have any lights but i am going to try a few things today.

I was out on a trial run yesterday for an hour and the 12 v works fine when driving so at least the fridge does work .

I am going to make sure i have the van dead level & maybe twiddle with the temp control.

Will also try the gas for longer too now i have a new bottle !!

The fridge will require 12v from the habitation battery to drive the electronics, when on 240v or on gas, the 12v power you observed when the engine was running,was from the vehicle battery, via a relay which is triggered by the ignition or the alternator turning.

Test it on gas, to ensure that there are no air locks in the refridgerant gas pipework, ie no getting cold even though the gas is lit ! This would also prevent it from getting cold on 240v AND 12v.

If the van has been standing for a long time an air lock is possible and probable. To cure that the fridge needs to be removed and turned upside down(inverted) and left like that for a few hours, then re-installed...a faff i know, but cheaper than a new fridge or even a new element.

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:$ :$

Well the good news is the fridge is all working now on all 3 ways ..yay !!

Think it was just a bit of a blonde moment !

I levelled the van and also put the 12v control panel switch on !!!!

So something worked .

I will mostly be wild camping but i always like to pre cool the fridge by hook up before i leave home to give it a head start .

My van is a 2000 reg and i cant see any lights on the switches.

Thanks for all the info .

Nice to be back in the motorhome world again :)

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Rayjsj - 2016-05-11 8:38 PM


The fridge will require 12v from the habitation battery to drive the electronics...


A habitation-battery-provided 12V power supply will only be necessary when an Electrolux 3-way fridge has an electronic control system or has ‘electronic’ gas ignition.


Older 3-way fridges with piezo-ignition to light the gas targeted caravans primarily. When this type of fridge operates on 12V its power supply comes from the tow-car’s starter-battery that will be being charged by the tow-car’s alternator. Once the caravan is parked, the fridge will be operated on gas or 230V.


In the 1990s it was quite common for UK-built motorhomes to be marketed as standard with no habitation-battery and in such instances a piezo gas-ignition 3-way fridge would have been fitted (eg. the RM212 model in this video-clip)



with the 12V power supply provided via the motorhome’s starter-battery.

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