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Help please...I'm at my wits end.

I have a brand new Thetford C200cs toilet...and I can't get it to flush...thought it was lack of water being drawn from the tank ..so checked the tank...and when full leaked all over the road...checked the taps to see if water was getting into van and they pour fine to begin with, then dribble, then stop...do I need a whole new tank and pipes...how do I check the toilet...what am I doing wrong...where do I go for help.


Please please help

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Do you have a switch somewhere to turn the water pump on ?


Some toilets work from water direct from the main fresh water tank. Some have a separate small water tank located near the toilet which you need to fill.

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Welcome to the mad mad world of campervans!


You say a new loo, which suggests that it's in an existing van rather than new van, if so who fitted it, as it seems possible that the wiring is not quite right and the best person to sort that out might just be the original fitter?


I'm no expert but my understanding is that the C200 has it's own flushing water tank and is not fed from the main fresh water tank in which case that tank is the one that needs filling!


The lack of tapwater is probably not related to the loo and could be something of a red herring, so assuming it all worked before the new loo, what has changed in both the water and 12 volt systems?


The flush pump is in the header tank and it is not unknown for them to jam. Getting it out is not technically difficult but neither is it a doddle but you can check it is working by listening with top off and sometimes free it without removal.


Having had several vans with C200 loos I can categorically state that, for me at least, these are the most troublesome Thetfords I have ever encountered and I am delighted to no longer have one!



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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Angela.


A Thetford C200CS toilet flushes electrically using water from the motorhome’s main fresh-water tank. The flush-water is provided to the toilet by the motorhome’s water-pump that also provides water to taps, water -heater and shower.


As Robbo says, the water-pump first needs to be turned on (there would normally be a dedicated switch for the pump on the motorhome’s control panel) and water should then flow (under pressure) from the taps.


Flushing a C200CS toilet involves pressing the toilet’s flush-button that causes an electrically-operated valve in the toilet to open and water to be delivered to the toilet bowl.


It needs to be established why your motorhome’s taps don’t function properly, as if the taps won’t work the toilet quite likely won't flush either. There’s no particular reason to think you’d need a new water-tank or pipework, but you might need a replacement water-pump or a minor electrical repair.


It could be helpful to know what motorhome you own (make, model, year of manufacture) and perhaps why it has a brand-new toilet.


Motorhome water systems do differ and the differences will affect how a C200CS toilet needs to be installed. If you are unfamiliar with motorhome technicalities, it might be simplest if you asked a motorhome dealership to look at the problem. There may not be much (or even nothing) wrong, but trying to diagnose remotely what’s happening isn’t easy in this instance.


(A motorhome’s fresh-water tank will have some form of overflow, so it’s normal for it to ‘leak’ when filled to beyond its maximum capacity.)

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Regarding the taps have you tried turning all taps on and leaving them open till they run without spluttering? We were parked at a slightly funny angle and taps stopped running, my husband, who hates anything technical went into blind panic but the solution was simple.


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