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I think I bought a lemon, its damp all around the outside of the shower area (auto trail 634 2007) I have a warranty and it's under 30 days since I bought it , it's back at the dealers as of yesterday

What are my options ?

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I think you have to let the dealer have a go at repair. It sounds like the shower tray or pipework is leaking rather than the m/home structure. Having said that, any damp is not good news.


If the floor has gone spongy or soft then it will be a major job to repair properly. Patching and making do is not a proper repair IMHO. I would let the dealer have one go at a proper repair then if you are not happy reject the van and start proceedings to recover your money. At the first hint of legal proceedings most dealers will pay up and shut up. Keep all paperwork and start putting everything in writing, ask for written confirmation of the work they have/will do and when the work is done get an independent survey done.



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hallii - 2016-05-17 10:52 AM


I think you have to let the dealer have a go at repair. It sounds like the shower tray or pipework is leaking rather than the m/home structure. Having said that, any damp is not good news.


If the floor has gone spongy or soft then it will be a major job to repair properly. Patching and making do is not a proper repair IMHO. I would let the dealer have one go at a proper repair then if you are not happy reject the van and start proceedings to recover your money. At the first hint of legal proceedings most dealers will pay up and shut up. Keep all paperwork and start putting everything in writing, ask for written confirmation of the work they have/will do and when the work is done get an independent survey done.






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Did you get a damp check done when bought?

Was the damp noticeable when you bought van?

Was the van sold you as seen?


I wish you luck, but you may have to accept the repair, rather than money back


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Would you usually get a damp check done when buying from a dealer? I ask because I have just bought a used van and had assumed that the dealer would have taken care of that before taking it into stock.
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aandy - 2016-05-20 10:04 AM


Would you usually get a damp check done when buying from a dealer? I ask because I have just bought a used van and had assumed that the dealer would have taken care of that before taking it into stock.


Yes i would ask for one, What does the warranty cover?and how long is it?

Never bought a secondhand van, but damp can be a problem, which can be cured, but may be expensive


Wait for the real experts on here to advise you


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aandy - 2016-05-20 10:04 AM


Would you usually get a damp check done when buying from a dealer? I ask because I have just bought a used van and had assumed that the dealer would have taken care of that before taking it into stock.


Any motorhome dealer buying a secondhand motorhome will almost certainly carry out a damp-test before purchasing it. But (as far as I’m aware) there’s no obligation for a dealer to carry out a damp-test prior to sale nor to be proactive about providing damp-test-related information to a prospective buyer.


It would be wisest for a buyer of a secondhand motorhome to assume that the vehicle has not been damp-tested. If asking whether a damp-test has been performed elicits the answer Yes, it would be sensible to ask to see the results: if the answer is No, it would be sensible to ask that a damp-test be carried out and that the results be provided.



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I thought I'd covered everything before handing over the readies, but obviously not. They are doing a habitation service before I collect it so I imagine the damp test result will be noted then (it always was on my previous van). If not, probably worth getting a test done somewhere else before the warranty expires.
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i got a habitation service including damp report which states no damp , i found it and dealer admitted he had missed it , i have to question the whole damp report integrity if he missed that what else did he miss ??
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baden87 - 2016-05-20 9:44 AM


I think it would be a major job and he has offered to overboard the outside of shower cubicle

I've told him I want a refund am waiting for him to get back to me




Overboarding the damp area is a complete botch job and will only ever hide the damp for it to reappear at a later date but by then be far more advanced.


I agree with you about rejecting the vehicle as 'not fit for purpose'. Did you pay any of the purchase price on a credit card or with a loan? If so contact the credit provider immediately and state your case as they could be jointly liable for any loss.



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Overboarding does sound a bit of a bodge but the alternative would, presumably, be to replace the whole shower enclosure. If the source of the damp has been rectified and the original boarding has been thoroughly dried, the damp should not recur, though I would have thought the repair would be obvious, possibly unsightly, and would significantly diminish the vehicle's resale value.
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baden87 - 2016-05-21 4:10 PM


Great news guys I am getting a full refund , thank you so much everyone for your help and advice

Nice one guys



Well Done


i hope you will get a Damp check done for the next one. At least the seller was amiable !!


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he has been very commendable and honest it could have been a right nightmare

the thing is i did get a damp report , but sadly the base of the shower tray was missed (so he said )

im not too sure what he's going to do with it , probably move it on to a less honest dealer ?

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baden87 - 2016-05-21 6:17 PM


he has been very commendable and honest it could have been a right nightmare

the thing is i did get a damp report , but sadly the base of the shower tray was missed (so he said )

im not too sure what he's going to do with it , probably move it on to a less honest dealer ?


Was it a dealer , or a private sale?

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Good news, I once bought a caravan from a dealer which had damp at the front after a couple of months. The complete front end was replaced to a very high standard and I couldn't find any evidence of the repair.


We tend to be hard on not so good dealers on here, so it's good to see that not all dealers are bad, maybe we should name the good ones?



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Will86 - 2016-05-22 10:31 AM


Then I suggest you name them as a good person to deal with on this occasion. Also explaining to them that you are doing so as good will on your part.


But get your money back first as I note your statement "I will be getting..........................."

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Lol yes money in pocket before , I've been around long enough th know how to deal with these things

And yes once I get my money back I will reveal his identity , as I said before , anyone can sell you a motor home it's how they deal with thing when they go bad ,

When I was looking around I walked away from 2 deals due to the warranty terms and conditions

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  • 3 weeks later...
baden87 - 2016-06-13 4:33 PM


Bit worrying I handed it over on Friday it's up for resale Monday


Not such a good dealer after all then?

Is he going to try the same sales pitch on the next MUG?



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