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Calling all A class M/Hs. In particluar Rapido

Guest bill h

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I have a new 987M. One year old. Careful driver. Under 4,000 miles. Problem..... The white "upturned boat shape" 14" x 7" ABS plastic cover on the off/side mirror "fell off" last night !! Sounds bizare I know. Its parked on the drive in a very safe road. My neighbour called and said is this yours it was laying in the drive? It weighs 515gms (1lb 2oz) and is held on by 2off small 2mm course threaded screws at the top with a small support half way down. The break was within the female tapped holes in the plastic, leaving half the plastic upstand still on the screws and attached to the mirror and lense bracket proper. No I havn't hit any bushes. There's been no build up of ice or snow. Its above head height. I can only assume the ABS material gets stressed by wind movement when driving. The M/H has been standing unmoved for 3 weeks now its fallen off !! To rectify I will make and fit a better arrangement. Is this mirror backing breakage a common problem? bill h
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Don't you have a warranty on a one year Rapido? 

It sounds as thought someone overtightened the coarse threaded screws on assembly to me. 

Leave well alone and show it to Rapido UK, or whoever sold it to you.  If you have a digital camera, take some pictures of the inside of the shroud and of the parts still attached to the screws and attach to an e-mail to whoever first. 

ABS is not easy to repair once broken, most glues won't hold it and at that weight it could be a bit mischevous if it fell off on the motorway!  You need a new shroud.

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Notice taken, this happened this evening. Its difficult to actualy see if its a workshop problem. My guess is that its a design fault. Its quite a weight on two small screws bill h
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I've just been out and checked my Rapido 927F and had a good tug at the mirrors and they seem sound. From your description the mirrors on your van appear to be different to mine, the 927F is Fiat based. Are the mirrors on the M series substantially different? I recognise the two 2mm screw par t of the description. Which screws have caused the problem? the two in the horizontal plane or the upper two in the verticle plane? I nudged my mirrors going into the toll booth on the Marseille tunnel last year and no harm occured, it just bent the mirror back and once through the very narrow entrance I simply pushed the mirror back into position. 18,000 miles on in 18 months and no problems, surprised at the low mileage on your van brings to mind the recent letter in MMM and Which Motorcaravan.
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Hullo Bill, I also have been outside to "tug" at the mirrors on our Rapido 966M. All seems secure, touch wood. We do have two additional wideangle mirrors but I don't think they are what you mean. We did lose the whole mirror in France after being hit by a wild Frenchman in a truck but that is another story. We were very luck to be able to get it repaired within three days. Excellent service from a dealer at La Roche-sur-Yon. Empress
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The mirror shroud on the Mercedes 987 Rapido is 14ins x 7ins. Its shaped like an upturned boat and is actualy seperate from the mirror which is electricaly moveable. The only fixing is two small screws at the top. NO OTHER FIXINGs except a support 2/3 of the way down. bill h
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