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Yet more SPAM


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It seems the spammers have got wise to being binned and have now takes to inserting their abuse of the forum into existing threads.


Apart from not bothering to look at entries from weird user names does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop this?


Would not allowing new members to post for say 24 hours help?

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I believe a ‘full house’ forum moderator is able to hack into a thread and remove individual postings, but the more privileges forum members are given the more risk that they could be abused. (That’s not a slur on present anti-spam forum-member ‘moderators’, just a statement of fact.)


Presumably, say, I could be given full moderator powers by Duncan if he so chose, but he’d then have to accept the risk that I wouldn’t abuse those powers and that I’d use them carefully and judiciously (which I would of course...)


This has always been a free-to-join ‘real time’ forum and delaying forum posting for (say) 24 hours after registration as Tracker suggests would be a nuisance even if the forum’s software could provide that capability without much modification. At present, if someone has a major unexpected problem, they can register on these forums, seek help here immediately afterwards and (if they get lucky) obtain expert advice straightaway. I believe it would be counter-productive to Introduce a post-registration delay restricting that opportunity merely to cope with a few add-on spam postings.


Moderator ‘vetting’ (as Muswell mentions) won’t be practicable with a real-time forum.


These forums’ underlying software has been largely unchanged for 10 years and the consequences are increasingly apparent. There’s always been a need for a better, more informative registration procedure and there’s always been a vulnerability to spamming. What’s needed is a rewrite, but that would cost.


At least the amateur moderators can now kill the singleton spam postings (as long as forum members don’t respond to them!) which is a step in the right direction. As long as the 'add-on' spam postings don’t become numerous, do they really matter?



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Taking on board your views Derek if any member(s) were allowed full moderator powers they would need to be known and well trusted for impartiality and a lack of bias against anyone they might personally dislike.

Even if they did perchance abuse their power the option to bring it to Duncan' attention would still be there.


I can think of several members whose judgement I would trust (including Derek).


Perhaps if the registration process were more thorough to include make model and year of motorhome and location it might help although that might deter non van owners without imagination from seeking advice?


I agree that compared to the benefits of this forum spam is a minor irritation and in the grand sheme of life is a trivia, but nevertheless it is a point of principle of the forum that free advertising is not acceptable and that is what this spam is - free unauthorised advertising.

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Derek Uzzell - 2016-05-20 8:54 AM



Moderator ‘vetting’ (as Muswell mentions) won’t be practicable with a real-time forum.




It works fine, it just means that after you sign up you will have to wait until the moderator has read your post....which might be the next day. I know that means it wouldn't help someone who joined to ask an urgent question but if you only join when you have an urgent question that is the price you pay.

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So if we see spam, just ignore it?/

If Derek is right , as long as no-one responds , it Can easily be deleted?

Sad that these people ?(Maybe be not real people?? spoil good things for others.

This is a good forum with lots of helpful advice, even the banter if not taken seriously, is not a problem, just some take life to seriously!


One other forum that I know of (non paying) has little movement, and then more often the mods advertising the Tv program (which not all can get) or reviews of new vans/equipment


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PJay - 2016-05-20 9:30 AM


So if we see spam, just ignore it?/

If Derek is right , as long as no-one responds , it Can easily be deleted?



I can edit and delete individual posts within threads or entire threads. It doesn't matter what anyone posts as a reply. Our two community spam catchers can remove entire threads, it doesn't matter whether you post a reply on the thread or not. In fact, if you do reply and use the word SPAM in your reply it makes it very easy to spot and delete.


I am currently checking whether our community admin can remove individual posts on existing threads.





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Duncan MMM - 2016-05-20 9:36 AM

In fact, if you do reply and use the word SPAM in your reply it makes it very easy to spot and delete.



I didn't know that Duncan - I will do exactly that.


How many SPAMS could a SPAM spotter spot if a SPAM spotter would spot SPAM!

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Guest pelmetman
Geeco - 2016-05-21 2:30 AM


David I am confused - how can you have recipes for something that is not considered food? When I was a child I thought tripe was bad until I tried spam. cheers,


As Colin has just said.......best served Deep fried in batter......We used to have it with the full English in the Navy........You could feel your arteries furring up as you ate them 8-) .....



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While we do have Spam in this country I like the Pluto Pup. This is a battered & deep fried frankfurt. If they use the continential style frankfurt they can be delicious as well as fattening!



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