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Hi All,

Thanks very much for taking the time out to object or put your views forward, if it make a difference it will be great.


However what they are planning is to move ALL Motor Home parking away from the beach and behind the skate park in a new parking area by the main road. The whole idea of going here is to go to the beach and not sit in a layby on the road.


I would still urge anyone interested in the parking change to object and let the Motorhomes continue to park along the front of West Beach Car Park as they do.


I have also seen the lorry that the article refers to which is a converted horse lorry, Yes I do object to that living there as it must of been there two years at least.


Thanking you all in advance, might even see you down there !


Thanks Chris

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However what they are planning is to move ALL Motor Home parking away from the beach and behind the skate park in a new parking area by the main road. The whole idea of going here is to go to the beach and not sit in a layby on the road.

What's the problem? Apart from the overnight facility we are talking about a parking area - a place where people park and leave their vehicles whilst they visit the beach or do something else - not a camping area with pitches for habitation.


It was the fact of the parking areas being used otherwise (including overnighting in breach of the then parking order) which led to these controls.

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'Never been there but it does look like a nice spot.


Just a shame that once again, it appears to have been ruined by those who have taken the pish and abused it.(..'Sound familiar? )


Although I dare say a lot of online-chatter will focus the blame on to the *bloke with the converted horsebox, whilst conveniently forgetting all of the MHs and campervans that have previously set up camp and overstayed.

(*well, him, along with the "campsite-owning- councillors" and "nimbys" etc (lol) )





If they now intend to move the MH parking/overnighting, and not just tweak the rules for the existing location, I wonder how they would "police"/enforce it this time 'round?..

Why couldn't the method they intend to use, just be used where it is now?


..or is it a case that at times just too many MHs/campervans/Live-in vehicles are using it?



(surely barriers would be out, as they'd impact on the "dudes" with boards on their vehicles)






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