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Schaudt Charger/controller issues after Sterling B2B Install?


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We received a follow up email today from someone having issues with their Motorhome while on holiday:



Hello Allan, Sorry for not coming back sooner but I decided it would be better to get home and calmly asses what is actually going on with the electrics.


Before I go on, let me just answer your questions on the configuration : 2 new 100 amp sealed cell GS marine batteries which I decided to fit while we were in Scotland, after speaking with Vanbitz in Somerset who recently fitted a Sterling battery to battery charger. The Hymer has an Schaudt Elektroblock EBL 101 and a DT 201 control display, 2 solar panels working through a Schaudt LAS 1218 control module. There is also an inverter which I use to charge phones and laptop and other light amp draw equipment.


Although I was told by Vanbitz that the B2B has been fitted so as not to impact on the workings of the Schaudt equipment, the display panel is not displaying information as it was before.

The leisure battery icon is flashing, demanding ‘charge’ and the total available amperage display has reduced to 2% although the voltage display says that there is 13.8v in the batteries. When charging from the mains or when the engine is running the displayed battery voltage increases to 14v plus, which I now assume suggests the batteries are been charged, although the panel doesn’t display the amp rate of charge, which it used to?



Our, edited, reply :


Hello, The Schaudt Elektroblock EBL 101 (plus it's cousins like the EBL 220, EBL 225, etc.) is designed to handle ALL 12v power both going out and coming in, from whatever charging source, Solar, Alternator or Mains 230v.

It is NOT compatible with any type of B2B.


The EBL 101 has sophisticated electronics that monitor the battery draw so gives you estimates of what time you have left at that usage rate. So when you put on a light it knows the exact current being drawn, it knows the battery voltage, so can calculate the battery bank size from how fast the battery voltage drops.


It can do this because every drop of power being taken from the battery, is distributed directly from the EBL 101. Every amp of charge coming in, it knows about. Or it at least that is how it is designed.


In your case I would guess the EBL 101 knows it has delivered a lot of power to the lights, Water pump, 12v TV, etc. but has seen no charge being put back, because it doesn’t ‘know’ about the Sterling B2B charge going straight to the batteries, and, most likely, isn't 'seeing' the Solar Charge.


Obviously, if either a charger or device is connected direct to the battery, the EBL 101 will be unaware of the current taken out or put back. If the battery voltage starts to rise, for example because someone has connected a Solar regulator directly to the battery, the readings will be confused at best.


At worst the EBL 101 may think there is a fault and shutdown.



Please note that your solar panels won't be working through a LAS 1218 as you write above, the LAS 1218 is a second Charger unit, part of the upgrade kit for an extra battery.

There should be a separate Schaudt LR 1218 or LRM 1218 for the Solar panels, but judging by the other items fitted, I would guess you will have a generic Solar Regulator that does not have the Data feed for the EBL 101/DT 201 LCD display unit? The existing Schaudt DT201 LCD display should be showing Solar power as a separate 'smiley Sun' symbol, both current and voltage, from the LR1218 regulator data feed?



I would suggest the fitter has wired the Sterling B2B by ‘borrowing’ the Starter battery feed to the EBL, hence your loss of readings. You may also find the EBL's charging of the Starter battery has been compromised?


We plaster the issues just like this one all over our website to help both the public and Trade so it's information out in the public domain, see : http://www.aandncaravanservices.co.uk/schaudt-elektroblock.php It is also mentioned on the Solar Power pages.



But in any case, a B2B is probably not the solution you were led to believe it is? See near the bottom of this page for more info on the points of a B2B in a Motorhome (as opposed to a Boat for which it was designed) not just the sales talk : http://www.aandncaravanservices.co.uk/battery-technology-2012.php near the bottom of the page.


The EBL 101 ALREADY did what a Sterling B2B does, but at a charging rate compatible with optimum battery life. With a Schaudt EBL101 there is little advantage to fitting a B2B, but very major disadvantages.



If you get the B2B uninstalled back to how things were you will probably find everything works as it should?

That Sulpurous/Clorine smell you may have recently noticed, will also disappear.




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