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Over come your fear of flying

Don Madge

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Don , I have not quite over come my fear of being on here yet lol (lol) I don't know what ever I seem to do trouble follows me ...... :-| You post something like this (Great Fun) ..post away I have no problems. Me, just have to touch the keys and thats it ! You think it's my name . Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you it only doubles trouble and troubles others to. I think I need to change my monica ;-) I enjoyed your flying men . and thankyou for the DERFRA link ;-) PS WHO'S GEORGE
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[QUOTE]Clive - 2006-11-26 3:21 PM George was the WW2 name for the Automatic Pilot, but obviously I am the only one on this forum to be old enough to remember this. What say you Don? [/QUOTE]

Silly me, Clive.  I quite thought you meant Bush.  I was about to say "I do hope so", and then keep my fingers crossed!

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Most people have a fear of crashing ;-) Myself, I DREAD being shut in with 100s of other people - I am soooo not a people person! All those smells, noises :$ , queueing for the loo ....... the thought of the Chunnel leaves me cold: I was born on an Island and meant to remain here! If I could own a Lear jet I would be OK - and bet I could hire it out on a regular basis too ........... New Zealand anyone? :-D
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Hi StAubyns- I did not actual call them our friends, but dont forget we actualy fought the Frence for 100yrs, and I dont think they ever forgave us , lol but we do have a lot to thank the U.S.A for, for without them we would not have survived the last world war, and that also includes our Frence partners in Europe. Regards chas
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Chas, it was a whole lot longer than 100 years!! And most historians now agree that it was the Russians and not the Yanks that won the European War. They certainly deployed vastly more tanks and armaments and hugely more ground troops than the Americans. Remember that the biggest tank battle of all time was on the Russian front and it was that battle that was the real beginning of the end for Germany. But the historians also (sadly, perhaps) agree that Britain's part was very minor!! So historians can be wrong! But forget El Alamein, the Battle of the Atlantic, the Battle of Britain, etc., before the Yanks even realised there was a war: what really won it was Enigma, and that success was wholly British and Polish.
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Hi Mel- Perhaps we should agree to disagree, I think if you gathered 12 historians together you would get 12 different versions of things. One undeniable fact is in my humble opinion is without American support before they joined in ( after the shock of Pearl Harbour) was the help of food and other vital materials we would have gone under without dought. Churchill never trusted Stalin and without the Americans to act as extra back up there is no dought the Russians would have taken over Europe in place of Hitler. Its a very emotive subject and lets all hope that this country never as to endure what our parents and grandparents went through. Regards chas
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