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Has PR ever set foot in a PVC before?


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Whilst sat in Nick's waiting room I was reading the July issue of MMM, in it there was a review of the Globecar 600L, never got to read it in full,but one thing that caught my eye was the comment on the step to the front dinette, AFAIK most if not all PVC's have a step either from the cab or from the dinette to rear of van, I've never read of a reviewer regularly falling/tripping on this before. Very odd.
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Peter Rosenthal’s observation went as follows:


“As there’s a difference in height between the cab and main body of the vehicle, Globecar has added a curved section of floor by the entrance to keep the dining and lounge area at one level. Needlessly to say, I fell up and down this on numerous occasions. Any owner will soon get used to it, though.”


I expect reviewers often stumble in unfamiliar motorhomes when there are height changes between living, kitchen and bedroom areas. That they don’t comment on this is probably because they can’t be bothered, or it hasn’t irritated them sufficiently to be worth bringing up. I don’t know how many tripping occasions qualifies for “numerous”, but I expect Peter experienced one ‘cursing’ episode with the change in floor height to be memorable and consequently chose to mention the feature in his test report.


My Rapido 640 has a step between the kitchen/front-lounge area and the rear bedroom. I manage to negotiate this OK and - if I were writing an owner-report on the vehicle - I might well not mention it. The 640 also has a ’step-over’ threshold between the bedroom area and the toilet/shower compartment. I’d definitely refer to this ‘sweary step’ in the hypothetical report as I regularly forget how high it is and bang my bare big toe against it.


Motorhome reviewers have to write something. Peter wrote about his falling over the Globecar’s ’step’; I’d write about my Rapido’s bathroom step. It’s just a (sort of) joke - it’s not important...

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As a Globecar owner, yes there is a curved step from the cab, as with many PVC models. This allows more height in the living area. As the gap between the front seats is not large we do not use it a regular means to the interior so do not se it as an issue. A number of coachbuilt motorhomes have various step up and downs so like life in general, watch your head.
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No differance in Cab/habitation floor height in the original Autotrail V Line PVC, or in the present Sport model, all which have raised floor for utilities, insulation etc., the SE models do have a step though.

The step was one of the things that put me off of PVCs. Sevel ones, any how.

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Rayjsj - 2016-06-03 3:40 PM


No differance in Cab/habitation floor height in the original Autotrail V Line PVC, or in the present Sport model, all which have raised floor for utilities, insulation etc., the SE models do have a step though.

The step was one of the things that put me off of PVCs. Sevel ones, any how.


True by dint of adding a higher roof. Shame the fridge is useless and it's impossible to install a microwave never mind supply one as standard to mention a few of the problems. AutoTrail went their own way with this and got it badly wrong which explains why they never sold well and can be found new with massive discounts. Wtith the SE models they've copied what others have done and I understand they are selling well. Can't understand why they don't combine the best features of the SE and Sport to have a massive winer on their hands. I'd certainly be in the market for one.

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