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Ofcom has just published two documents in relation to the Wireless Telegraphy. From the 8 December 2006 it will no longer be necessary to hold a licence in order to operate Citizens' Band Radio equipment, providing that it is operated in accordance with the new Regulations; and - A revised information document on the use of CB radio Both documents can be found at: http://www.ofcom.org.uk/consult/condocs/exemption/statement/ http://www.ofcom.org.uk/radiocomms/ifi/licensing/classes/citizen/information/ " C.
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Nah. Mine is purpose made, factory installed at the Marysville, Ohio, HONDA plant that makes Gold Wings. It comes with interface to the radio, so it can be used in conjunction with the helmet intercom system, and switches are 'bar mounted at factory, with LCD display of the 40 chanels, with squelch, volume and chanel selection
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[QUOTE]Clive - 2006-11-25 1:33 PM From the 8 December 2006 it will no longer be necessary to hold a licence in order to operate Citizens' Band Radio [/QUOTE] I am appalled to learn that it ever was: what an over-governed country we live in! In most countries Citizen Band means what it says, a spectrum in which CITIZENS can operate as they please without Big Brother looking over their shoulders, provided they conform to a few simple parameters concerning transmitter power and aerial height.
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Thanks for the info Clive, I wondered why my licence reminder had not arrived this year, I'm sure it was £15 last year, so looks like I can afford to go away this christmas after all. Happy motorhomeing everyone out and about this holiday :-)
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Wow! That's a rare one. Somebody actually getting a license for their C.B. Do you also buy a T.V. license for your motorhome T.V. I'm just curious because in all the twenty years I've been a lorry driver I've not come across a single person who's actually bought a license for their T.V. or C.B.
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Ppauly, Why do you need a licence for your TV in your motorhome? Seems right to me not to have a licence for CB, but it so unusable with all the idiots on it does anyone really use it for 'proper' conversations (I'm afraid I remember the early days and have never gone back). I might even consider it again if it is being used for sensible use. Bas
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CB radio is prety dead now, so if you get a set you will probably have most channels to yourself for most of the time. Mobile phones and texting then the Internet killed off the hobby plus when they made it legal of course, MUCH more fun before 2781 let alone 2697 . Re TV in your RV, I was under the impression that provided you had a license for your TV at home you were covered. Am I wrong? Back to CB My favourite rig was the Cobra 148 GTLDX Mk 2. First rig was a Midland 150M Furthest contact from home in the "good old days" with the Cobra was Australia. Argentina etc running with a 60 watt burner and a Silver Rod.. What about you? C. (The Ayatollah)
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[QUOTE]Basil - 2006-12-01 12:38 PM Ppauly, Why do you need a licence for your TV in your motorhome? Seems right to me not to have a licence for CB, but it so unusable with all the idiots on it does anyone really use it for 'proper' conversations (I'm afraid I remember the early days and have never gone back). I might even consider it again if it is being used for sensible use. Bas[/QUOTE] Well I know for certain you need a license if you use a t.v. in a truck (unless the law has change recently, which I doubt) so I can't see the difference in using one in a motorhome.
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You do not need a TV licence in a motorhome, provided you have a licence for the one at home, and it is NOT being used at home, as I understand it. In a truck, the one at home would probably be still be used by the other members of the family.
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