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Fiat Ducatto 665f Roof Pool


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My wife and I have recently purchased our first motorhome and we are generally pleased with it except that when it rains a large pool forms on the roof and doesn't drain away until I drive off. The pool is formed on the rear nearside corner just where the aerial is fitted. There is a channel that runs across the roof and stops the water running away, has anone else had the same problem and how have they resolved it?
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Welcome to the forum.


When parked at home a simple answer is to raise any two wheels enough to cause the water to run off.


Timber of a suitable thickness and big enough to take the tyre area, leave them at home when you travel.

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Presumably you have a Rapido motorhome.....the base vehicle is the Ducato and the motorhome bit is the Rapido 665f.

It's always best to say otherwise the first question is 'what MH is it?' :-D


As suggested it happens with many MHs and the majority tend to ignore it, as I also do!!


Good Luck in your travels. :-D

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Depends on what the problem is ?


If its ponding water, the park on ramps is the best solution, especially if you are in cold weather where the pond may become an ice rink.


If it's a case that you get a neck full of water, when getting in and out of the m/home. You can buy a self adhesive gutter that can be stuck above the door.


The older Rapidos had gutters than ran about 100mm below the roofline and discharged to the front and rear, but I think the 665 is the new slightly more rectangular shape may not have this feature.



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Whats the van? Water pooling on the roof is more a feature in PVC's than on Coachbuilts due to the roof ribs and a bad manufacturer habit of locating rooflights so as to completely block off channels.


I know there is a model 665 Trigano Tribute PVC as well as the previously mentioned Rapido CB.


On my old 650 Trigano water used to pool on the cross-drain because the Mfr had stuck 2 rooflights, one for toilet, one for kitchen in this location. I 'fixed' this with some mastic, area was 10"x4" layered it up over a couple of days. A bit crude, yes, but it did solve the issue and having your rooflight mastic near-permanently sat in a pool of water is not good.



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