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No Habitation Lights - 1994 Kontiki 640


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Just back from a weekend away with wife & kids which was a little bit interupted last night when the power to the habitation lights went out, not certain exactly when it went out, as it was only discovered when we went to turn on the lights, but I think one of the bulbs in the light over the door may have gone?


Not a problem I thought, it will be a fuse, multimeter out and pulled every fuse and checked it, couldn't find any blown ??? Checked resistance for a connection and where possible checked for 12V either side of the fuse whilst in place.


Fuses found and checked so far:-

All fuses in the main box behind the glove box

Additional 3 fuses behind glove box which dont seem to be part of the original van electrics.

3 fuses under the bonnet near the battery, was expecting it to be one of these?

Fuse which is inline on the leisure battery?

2 fuses on the 240V distribution unit in the wardrobe.


As far as I can tell all other 12V cuircuits are working i.e. Water pump / Toilet Flush / Fridge (with engine running), Standard Vehichle electrics.


The power indicator on the switch panel is showing strong power to both batteries.


I dropped a (fused) 12V connection direct from the leisure battery into the rear lights cuircuit and everything lights up like a christmas tree which to my mind indicates no earth fault. at least on that half of the cuircuit.


So as the say if it looks like a fuse, smells like a fuse and tastes like a fuse - it must be a fuse??


Is there a fuse I have missed ?? (I have read somehting about one under the toilet - but would presume this is for the toilet flush?)


Does anyone have a wiring diagram for these vehichles?

Does anyone definatively know which fuse in inline in the Habitation Light cuircuit?


Any help would be gratefully received !!!

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Finally sussed it !!!!


The clue is in my original post....


The 2 Fuses in the unit in the wardrobe should be 5 fuses......


Turns out my daughter was fairly rough pulling the clothes airer out of the wardrobe and flicked some of the fuses out of the box and underneath some stuff I keep in there.


For reference I found a wiring diagram from a 2000 model in the swift manual archives, which isn't a million miles different to my 94 model.


I have definately learned some stuff (and fixed a few other nigly problms along the way) !!


Thanks all for chipping in ....


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