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Yet another problem


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Hi. Can anyone help. Filled my water tank today. The. Continued to turn the water pump on and it wouldn't turn itself off and ran continuously. Checked for leaks and checked all taps. Still no luck. Then continued to adjust the pressure tap on the water pump and managed to stop the pump running continuously but the relay on the electrics keeps clicking like mad and the water pressure is not what it was. But whenever I try to increase the water pressure the pump continues to run. Anyone got any ideas on why this is happening. It was perfectly fine until today.


Also checked voltage on battery and that is at 12.7 so seems fine.

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Difficult to see that filling the tank would have been the cause of anything.  Coincidences do happen and when you turned the water pump on a fault could have presented.  Depending on the type of pump you have and whether there are other relevant components like microswitches in taps, it's difficult to speculate further.


I carry a spare water pump in my MH because living without one would be a real pain, so why don't you buy one, taking care to get the correct type, install it, and see if that solves the problem.  They aren't that expensive and that might be cheaper than paying labour charges to get a professional to investigate for you.


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If you do not have any leaks in the systems to drop the pressure then it is likely the valves in the pump have failed or been contaminated with dirt. I suggest stripping the pump if you are a capable sort of chap. You can get new diaphragm kits and valves for most of these pumps.

Another issue can be the pressure microswitch, over time the bits which make it up can get distorted and it does not work right and requires far too high a pressure to operate but this does not sound like your problem if the switch is pulsing on and off after you adjusted it.

Do check for leaks from drain valves etc under van!

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It could possibly be the microswitch in the tap.


We have occasionally had this problem in the kitchen tap on our last two Globestars. Water gets in to the tap working and shorts the pump on.


Our solution, we use the pump on/off switch on the control panel and only turn on when we want to use tap. After 24hrs it has dried out and we revert to normal.


On our first Globecar they changed the tap 3 times under warranty. It's clearly a design fault. Now we know what to do if the pump keeps running plus we take care not to slosh water around or leave a damp cloth over the tap and thus it is a rare occurrence.


Good luck





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