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Swift Warranty Issues

Digger JCB

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Hi all, new to the forum and looking for advice in relation to a new Swift Bolero and Warranty work as the original selling dealer in South Wales failed to complete the work before delivery, with promises (because of the 1100 mile round trip) of parts being ordered and sent to me once available.

The story begins with the required current model, a Swift Bolero 714SB not being available in my local area (let's call it NE Scotland for now). A search of the Internet showed one in South Wales. A few phone calls, haggles and days later a deal was struck; in due course paperwork was exchanged, the deal was effectively agreed and arrangements were made for the part exchange (subject to condition of my vehicle) to take place.


Being a bit of an old hand at this (2 caravans and 2 Motorhomes), I knew all would not be as promised, and yes I was aware that my local dealer would not touch warranty work, because he had not sold the vehicle. What I was not aware of is the fact that it appears that there are very few, if any dealers that will complete warranty work on a Swift product they have not sold (especially at this time of year). Discussion with those in the know give the following main reasons:

1. The hourly rate paid by Swift to dealers for repair work is less than the going rate.

2. The selling dealer is expected to subsidise the hourly rate from the profit of the sale.

3. Time allowed for repairs is based on factory fitting times.

After several e-mails and a phone call to Swift it appears that Swift relay on the Sale of Goods Act to shift Warranty claims onto the seller and whilst their Handbook (pages 6 to 12) intimate assistance, my experience resulted in the "advice call other local sellers to see if they will do the work".

A call to the Consumer Advice Centre resulted in a case number being issued. However, they could only deal with one of the two issues I have; these being:-


1. The original sellers failure to fulfil his obligations under the SoG Act, and the verbal promises of parts being ordered and sent to me once available.


2. Passing the Swift Warranty T&C's to Trading Standards to determine if these are in fact 'Unfair' to the consumer and provide Swift (group of Companies) a way of ignoring their responsibilities and duties as set out by the Sale of Goods Act.


In comparison, imagine you have purchased a high value car (60k+) via the Internet, and you need work completed locally, you go to the dealer and they give the same response as Swift Sellers give; this would not be allowed to prevail.


It is accepted that the base vehicle, a Fiat, is thankfully covered by the Motor Vehicle conditions of sale, generally no real problem getting Warranty work completed by Fiat Dealers; so why should Motorhome & Caravan consumers be left without the same protection?


I will provide more as the story unfolds. Comments please.










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Sounds bad news.


But I wholeheartedly agree, it shouldn't be like that when it comes to warranty work on the habitation part of a motorhome.


However, did you enquire with the selling dealer in Wales - prior to purchase - how he proposed to fulfil any warranty work obligations that might be required in future? Particularly, as you were familiar with the potential difficulties that can arise when buying a MH remotely from afar.



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Have you looked at the Approved Workshop Scheme? An extract from the FAQ's:


"Will the Approved Workshop be able to carry out warranty work?

Yes, provided that you have an agreement with your supplying dealer."




In fairness to Swift, they operate in exactly the same way as Bailey and Autotrail as far as how warranty work is undertaken. +1 for posting your concerns on Swift Talk.


Edit - just out of interest Digger, what problems do you have with your Bolero? Minor or major ones which stop you using the MH?

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Yes, under the SOG, the dealer is responsible. To date the dealer has promised much, delivered little. Following a call from the salesman, where he stated he had himself ordered the required parts, I advised him that I had it in writing from Swift, that nothing had been ordered against the chassis number, he waffled for a bit then said he would check again.


Another email, this time copied to the MD, has resulted in a promise of a call tomorrow from the after sales manager. Let's see what that brings.


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As I stated above, parts were to be ordered and sent to me. I had thought local dealers would carry out warranty work, but it transpires many won't. Reasons given include: less than the going hourly rate paid by Swift. Estimated time to effect repairs cut by Swift... Their time based on factory fitting time. Other won't explain, just "company policy not to do warranty work".
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There were a few minor problems on inspection before purchase

Reverse camera condensation inside - promised change out for new camera before we left. Not done, condensation removed only to return by the time we got back to site. Promised an order placed... Not ordered yet.

Water control panel hanging loose, not sorted

main panel mount warped - sorted

Wardrobe door warped / bowed supposed to have been ordered.. Not ordered after a month. See other responses.

Fly screen panel edge loose preventing closure - glued - sorted.

Headboard mirrors, The securing glue snake is visible in the mirror.

Handbrake buzzer / dash indicator not working. Sorted by local Fiat Commercial dealer.

Screws under rear valance, panel to floor, below shower tray not secured. Not picked up during PDI.

Front wing, paint overspray, or not enough black paint. Patch of topcoat missing. Not picked up during the 5 Months at the dealers.


So nothing major, just excuses and waffle.


I have now found a dealer 55 miles away that will do the work.



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I am at a loss to understand how the Motorhome industry is allowed to carry on getting away with all of this appalling workmanship, poor finish and, to add insult to injury, an often total lack of respect for their customers?


Their failure to check that every van is spot on right BEFORE it leaves the factory is unjustifiable and inexcusable.


Why their dealers let them get away with making them identify and rectity factory errors and cock ups, not that too many dealers seem able or prepared to even master that aspect, is also beyond me?


The bad attitude and apathy of large parts of the whole Motorhome industry is well established and it is an ongoing disgrace. Furthermore it is such a shame when the good caring dealers, and there are some, get labelled the same in spite of their best efforts.


No faith in the convereters or their warranties is the main reason why I would NEVER buy a new van from, and would also not under any circumstances buy a used van from, a number of converters and/or dealers.


Compare the overall service on offer from the Motorhome industry to that of car makers and dealers - even those known to offer arrogant and shoddy service - and you begin to see how rotten and uncaring large parts of the whole industry is and just how far it needs to go to clean itself up.


Just don't hold your breath while you wait.

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My sentiments exactly, as a retired Lead Quality Auditor, within the oil industry, not many, if any of these manufactures would survive following a first order. The annoying thing is, the salesman was asked to ensure all was as it should be in the three weeks he had before we arrived. It was clear that he had not.


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