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Fiat "Captain" seat


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I am 184cm tall and find the backrest of the Fiat captain seat too low to provide head restraint/support.

This is severely restricting my choice of new motorhome. Does anyone know of a seat with a higher

back and the same (or preferably lower) seat base height. The standard Ducato seat with separate

headrest is fine but my local Fiat dealer could not be sure it would fit on the swivel seat base-it is

also very expensive. New motorhomes don't seem to be designed for taller people!

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I'm the same height, my son is 193 and my son in law 199, and none of have problems in my Dethleffs, apart from the Remis blinds cutting off our vision at the top.

I assume there are a range of seats fitted to replace the standard Fiat white van seats, so it might be useful to look around for a replacement and try and source one that suits.

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ken the kontiki - 2016-06-19 9:23 AM


We've been considering these for a while but yet to commit http://shop.aguti.com/de-de/aguti-klimaschonbezug-milanbasic-hnv/1145.html

I once had a car(1970 Ford GT Cortina 3) with those seats fitted . Best most comfortable seats ever i believe they where called Raccaro" seats


They do seem a lot of money though. I guess it depends on how much and how long you intend to use you van


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