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M6 Toll Road

Len Salisbury

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Len Salisbury - 2016-07-18 9:21 PM


I heard recently that if you are a member of the CC that there is a discount available. Is there any truth in this?





Used it last week.


Go to a manned kiosk / booth and hand over your club card - ours was ' checked ' - handed back - and we got charged as a car.




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Hi Len,


Sorry but I think the discount is only for CC and not C&CC members.


If you use the Toll regularly in your MH it may even be worth joining just for the discount.


A said before MH for the price of a car.



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Was told at the manned cash booth the last time we used the M6 toll road that you should show your CC card as soon as you pull up to make sure you get the discount. It's like they cannot change the price once they have rung it up on the till (or are just too lazy to change it LOL.)
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It's been a financial fiasco from day one. They grossly overestimated the amount of traffic use then slapped excessive toll fees on making the majority of traffic stay on the M6 and clog up Birmingham.


I live north of it and ever since it was built have flatly refused to use it. It's been a cynical exercise in highway robbery......and failed. £1.9 billion debt it's now currently up for sale.





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Peewee_Pete - 2016-07-18 11:49 PM


Damm it, wish i had known tis months ago, been using it twice a week for about 3 months and paying full price, and I am a CC Member!


Pete you would have paid your CC membership fees twice over with the discount :-D

You know now the power of this site is worth more than the CC monthly mag...lol

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Bulletguy - 2016-07-19 2:50 PM



It's been a financial fiasco from day one. They grossly overestimated the amount of traffic use then slapped excessive toll fees on making the majority of traffic stay on the M6 and clog up Birmingham.


I live north of it and ever since it was built have flatly refused to use it. It's been a cynical exercise in highway robbery......and failed. £1.9 billion debt it's now currently up for sale.







Am I right in thinking that we even have to pay to read about the M6 ?


Not likely.



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Zydeco Joe - 2016-07-19 3:02 PM


Peewee_Pete - 2016-07-18 11:49 PM


Damm it, wish i had known tis months ago, been using it twice a week for about 3 months and paying full price, and I am a CC Member!


Pete you would have paid your CC membership fees twice over with the discount :-D

You know now the power of this site is worth more than the CC monthly mag...lol


It'd be worth checking the CC's own website for what "offers" are available/applicable..




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malc d - 2016-07-19 3:35 PM


Bulletguy - 2016-07-19 2:50 PM



It's been a financial fiasco from day one. They grossly overestimated the amount of traffic use then slapped excessive toll fees on making the majority of traffic stay on the M6 and clog up Birmingham.


I live north of it and ever since it was built have flatly refused to use it. It's been a cynical exercise in highway robbery......and failed. £1.9 billion debt it's now currently up for sale.







Am I right in thinking that we even have to pay to read about the M6 ?


Not likely.




That's right wing capitalists for you......typical!!! It was 'free' when i posted. :-(


Never mind.....here is a link from the good ol' Beeb. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-35553865

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Interesting to read that the banking consortium which currently owns the M6 Toll is judged to be selling now because it has shown better financial results recently, so maybe it is now coming into profit.  The owners must have some reason for maintaining the comparatively high prices when it's been losing money every year so far - bit puzzling really.  I wonder if there is some tax angle we're not seeing.


I always find the M6 Toll pleasant to drive, not least because so few lorries use it, and the Services are nice ones.  But is is significantly longer that way compared with the ordinary M6. 


We usually use the A50/M1 when coming from the North unless we are aiming for the M40, in which case we use the M6/M5/M42/M40.  The A50 is a pleasant dual carriageway and it's always traffic-free as well.


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Bulletguy - 2016-07-19 8:20 PM
malc d - 2016-07-19 3:35 PM....Am I right in thinking that we even have to pay to read about the M6 [on the FT website]?Not likely. ;-)
That's right wing capitalists for you......typical!!! It was 'free' when I posted...


Using the Guardian website involves paying a subscription too - does that make them right wing capitalists?


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Archiesgrandad - 2016-07-20 10:50 AM


Who else but a capitalist would own a newspaper?

If I owned a newspaper I might be prepared to slag off anybody, leftwing or rightwing, but I'd sure as hell live, think and act like a capitalist.



You are right. Let's get rid of the newspapers and just rely on the TV and social media to find out what's happening.

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StuartO - 2016-07-20 10:07 AM
Bulletguy - 2016-07-19 8:20 PM
malc d - 2016-07-19 3:35 PM....Am I right in thinking that we even have to pay to read about the M6 [on the FT website]?Not likely. ;-)
That's right wing capitalists for you......typical!!! It was 'free' when I posted...


Using the Guardian website involves paying a subscription too - does that make them right wing capitalists?

I don't pay subs to The Guardian or any other newspaper. I leave that for mugs to fund.. You just need to know how to use them. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2012/may/14/m6-toll-road-cuts-valueIncidentally in the 13 years it's run it's never made a profit so anyone who sees it as a viable business really has been living in cloud cuckoo, but hey ho. The reason very few hauliers use it is down to the ridiculous charges. If HGV companies used it then they'd have to pass that cost on to the consumer.....and as everything comes by road so thats increased costs on everything. Brilliant. They should make it entirely free for ALL hgv's which would solve the congestion around Birmingham in an instant.
Billggski - 2016-07-20 12:06 PMIt's only a matter of time. When Jeremy Corbyn becomes PM it will be nationalised.
As long as the £2 billion debt is paid off from the owners first. I don't see why i should pick up the tab for someone elses mis-management, but then we usually do don't we eg RBS etc.
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I think under enviromental grounds it should be nationlised, the original M6 was built elevated near heavily populated areas, the constant heavy truck traffic must be causing astronomically high pollution levels. Give them ( the Banks) back their costs 500m that it cost to build, and not a penny more. Trucks will never use it because of the high toll costs, a stupid idea, like most Private finance inititives, Seen as a cash cow, instead of adding to our infrastructure. Hope it goes spectacularly BUST.
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I read somewhere that some countries let HGVs use their toll roads during off peak hours for just a quid. Bargain!


Makes you wonder why M6T don't do it too.


Surely an extra few hundred quid each night is better than no few hundred quids??


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