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Camos sat auto adjusting satellite


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Hi, can anyone through any light on this. On my motor home roof is a Camos Dome CSA-1300\1400P. In side of a cupboard is installed a Control Box on one side of the wall, the others side a Sky Box. Outside cupboard on wall a Monitor . I switch the Control Box on and it goes through the process lights moving and Locks on, Astra 2. Put channel 1 on the monitor all I get is saying I need a to be attached to a telephone. every other channel blank. By the way 2 wires coming out of the wall,at Mo is attached by a TV coaxal. The other is a satellite coaxal. There is no F coaxal connection. So anybody know how this works and get any channels. ?? In the instructions it shows a diagram of a set up, showing a satellite receiver, there isn't one, would it be this is replaced by the sky box??? So many questions. The motor home is a 2007 , so all I can think k this was all I stalled when the first owner had it. Thanks to anyone that may be able to help. ;-)
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ok, your monitor is attached to the sky box via a coax cable...hence you seeing the picture when tuned to 'analog' channel 1.

as you havent done a search for any more analog channels (DONT) you wont see anything on channel 2,3,4 etc....

you may have a digital aerial, in which case you could set the tv to 'digital' and do a scan which should get you 100 channels or so...

however, you dont sound too clued up so lets just try and sort the Sky thing first...im guessing you dont have Sky at home?

all sky boxes will ask you (or let you know) that youre not connected to a phone line...this is because sky uses this to connect to 'some' of its interactive services.....but just ignore it and press 'back up' (on the sky controller)to make it go away.

once you have the picture, its the sky controller that you need to do all your channel changing...

so, press 'tv guide' and you should see a list of programs come up.

using the up/down buttons in the centre, you can try another channel.

all 'normal' bbc/itv/domestic channels should be available,even if there is no viewing card in the box, but premium channels will require a card with a paid up subscription for you to view these..

let me know if ypuve managed to move forward.....

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Is that correct ? You can get SKY without a card? Thought you needed a sub.

We have just thrown 2 sky plus boxes away , at the skip, as we though you need a card.

We have a camos dome, and have a digital box from Maplins, works even in France and Spain


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Hi, thanks for trying to help me. I have just gone outside to try what you said, the monitor is connected by coaxal TV plug. The TV will not respond to the sky controller. The monitor is switched on by the monitor controller, press channel 1 , which comes up with sky connection telephone, sky controller will not switch it of pressing back up. From what I ended e scything keeps coming up in mono, is each number I press says 1 m or 2 m. The only thoughts I can think is on the Camp's diagram it was a Camp's monitor, this is a Samsung monitor LCD. but looking through the menus there is no changing to digital ????. There is the auto scan etc in the menu etc but this is by the monitor not sky controller ??????
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PJay - 2016-08-01 5:59 PM


Is that correct ? You can get SKY without a card? Thought you needed a sub.

We have just thrown 2 sky plus boxes away , at the skip, as we though you need a card.

We have a camos dome, and have a digital box from Maplins, works even in France and Spain



You can only get Free to Air channels if you don't have a subscription.


On our previous system we had to use the Maxview Monitor to control the channels and you had what they called a 'loop through' which was a short piece of satellite cable that was linked in the Maxview box and then into the Sky Box, then you could use the Sky remote control to change the various channels.

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Tony44935 - 2016-08-01 6:21 PM


Hi, thanks for trying to help me. I have just gone outside to try what you said, the monitor is connected by coaxal TV plug. The TV will not respond to the sky controller. The monitor is switched on by the monitor controller, press channel 1 , which comes up with sky connection telephone, sky controller will not switch it of pressing back up. From what I ended e scything keeps coming up in mono, is each number I press says 1 m or 2 m. The only thoughts I can think is on the Camp's diagram it was a Camp's monitor, this is a Samsung monitor LCD. but looking through the menus there is no changing to digital ????. There is the auto scan etc in the menu etc but this is by the monitor not sky controller ??????


ok, the tv/monitor controller just changes the actual 'channel' you are seeing on the screen...

the previous owner has linked channel 1 to the analog output of the tv....it has to be this method as you say its only connected by an RF 'aerial' type cable...

having got the picture onto the monitor (even tho its only the telephone message) means this is coming from the sky box.

the sky controller is able to provide two 'modes', one to control the tv and one to control the sky box. these are switched by pressing either 'tv' or 'sky' on the sky controller.

so, to ensure the sky controller is operating the sky box (not the tv) press sky....BUT you must be pointing the sky controller at the sky box not the tv....

so, aim at the sky box, press SKY and then backup....the message should disappear....also you can then press TV GUIDE and ypu should get the sky guide on the screen.

if you cant get this far, we will need to look at something different...

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the above process is to try and make use of the sat dome, which is what i presume youd like to do, even tho, as you (obviously) arent a sky customer, will only get you the normal free to air digital channels.


the channel scan ypuve seen on the tv menu is, as ypu say, a digital scan on the tv via the vans external tv aerial.


the two processes are not mutually exclusive....you can have a sky system and a 'normal' terrestrail system in the same van, as many do at home.


the advantage is that, in an area where you cant pick up channels on the digital aerial, you might have a full set on the satellite...


sometimes the sat system might be blocked by trees etc, yet the digital terrestrial signal may be fine.

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Thank you so much, I have just followed your instructions and programmes up on screen, that's great I thought it was broken. So now can I ask you, now that is all OK, the Camos control box, has Astra 1, Astra 2, and Hotbird can I get any of these Satellites, the reason is we do have a Free satellite Dish and a mobile controller in our house and watch a lot of German programmes, so is there any way I could sort this out. I was thinking about it , would it be to get a different television with satellite controller installed and change the coaxal TV plug for the F coaxal sat connection, or am I barking up the wrong tree. ??? Then again there is no satellite control box would this be a problem, ??
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We can get (I think 4) sats on our camos control box. When in Spain we view the German sat, so we can view F1 , in German, as we c an't get the UK version, and OH watches football on it as well.

Do you have the instructions for your set up? If not , let us know the model, and maybe I or some-one else could copy for you, or maybe you could get them on line?


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My question is now that it has been solved and getting tv programs through sky box linked into the monitor by coaxal connection, how do I get camos satellite programmes, I have at the rear of the monitor 2 cables, first cable at the moment is a coaxal t v connection which is in the monitor at the moment. and TV programmes are coming through the sky box.The other cable coming out of the wall is a satellite coaxal connection, would this be used to get programmes from camos. I must say that the Samsung monitor does not have an F connection. Therefore if this is the case what I have just written, would I need to buy a TV with a satellite receiver installed ????? As the set up is camos control box and sky box, no satellite receiver . Thanks for helping.
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whoa there....

the programs you are seeing on the tv via the sky box ARE from the Camos....

the camos is just an aerial that points to a satellite (astra 2) rather than one that points to a transmitter on the ground...


the camos dome will be able to to point to other satellites like asta1 which have german channels BUT the issue is that the Sky box will not be able to understand and decode them.


this is where it gets a bit complicated......sorry....


you can replace the sky box with a fee to view box (not FREE TO AIR as this is for UK channels only) and then, with the camos pointing to astra 2, you will see all the UK channels, and rhen move the camos to astra 1 and you will see the german ones..


as you say, some tvs come with a FREE TO AIR tuner, which is fine for the astra2/UK stuff, but not for astra1/german channels..


if you are not a sky subscriber (which you dont seem to be) the sky box is only acting as a FREE TO AIR box.


hope this makes sense.

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bolero boy - 2016-08-02 10:14 AM


whoa there....

the programs you are seeing on the tv via the sky box ARE from the Camos....

the camos is just an aerial that points to a satellite (astra 2) rather than one that points to a transmitter on the ground...


the camos dome will be able to to point to other satellites like asta1 which have german channels BUT the issue is that the Sky box will not be able to understand and decode them.


this is where it gets a bit complicated......sorry....


you can replace the sky box with a fee to view box (not FREE TO AIR as this is for UK channels only) and then, with the camos pointing to astra 2, you will see all the UK channels, and rhen move the camos to astra 1 and you will see the german ones..


as you say, some tvs come with a FREE TO AIR tuner, which is fine for the astra2/UK stuff, but not for astra1/german channels..


if you are not a sky subscriber (which you dont seem to be) the sky box is only acting as a FREE TO AIR box.


hope this makes sense.


Good explanation. I had one of these:




Can also run on 12v but let's not complicate things for a beginner. Others are available cheaper but this particular one is small so doesn't take up much space.

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If you want to watch german or european channels from your camos dome, then just go onto fleabay and get a generic digital satellite receiver for under £30.

Hotbird (13 east will give you over 500 free to air channels) and astra 1 (19 east) will give you German/Austrian channels.

I have installed these systems and currently have the in motion dome made by Glomex on my Citroen Relay van.

Might be better to replace your coax between the receiver and tv with either a scart or hdmi cable if your current or new box has it.



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Thank you all, it's starting to make sense. I am stuck for space, can you tell me what sort of price a free to view box would cost ??. Also I am not able to do the work myself, so will have to find someone Technician etc to do the work, is it a biggish job ?? Thank you to you all once again, it is really nice that there is people out there that really care.
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I gave you a link to a Maxview Box in my post above. All you need to do is switch the new box with the Sky version but as suggested use an HDMI cable linking the box to the TV instead of the coax. The job will take about 2 minutes.


Alternative satellite boxes are available from ebay as suggested by an earlier poster but make sure you get a free to air version and NOT Freeview or Freesat as neither of these latter two will give you Hotbird or Astra 1 programmes.


If you really need assistance then tell us your location which could be inserted under your user name as we cannot anticipate where you live.

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Hi, I am back, sorry was about to buy t he Maxi view Sat Box, which you have kindly listed for me to click and view, just I am little confused. You said to buy a Sat Box free to view not free to air, as this would give me the UK channels but not the German. The listing of the Maxi View box that you have listed, which you have said was worth looking at is a Free to Air. Then doing a search in eBay for a Free to View Box, everything comes up free to air, I am getting a bit mixed up. Thanks,
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I think you are confused. If you read my post again I explicitly stated free to air and NOT Freeview or Freesat.. The Maxview box I linked is free to air and that is the one you require. However, see below.


You need to double check with your Avtex supplier to establish precisely which model of TV you require. But if there is an Avtex TV with an inbuilt satellite receiver (as I believe there is) then you will not require a free to air receiver such as the Maxview. If you buy the TV without you will require a free to air receiver.


Perhaps others will comment about the Avtex with the inbuilt receiver as I'm unsure whether you can get anything other than UK Astra 2 programming.In other words will the Avtex TV with inbuilt receiver be able to receive European and international programmes from the Hotbird and Astra 1 satellites.


As I stated, if you were to advise of your location, you might get a recommendation for a suitable supplier who could advise on what is best for your set up.



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Hi, from my last listing from my thread, it has thrown up a question about the Avtex Tv that I was thinking of buying but needed to look further into the set up etc. Can you or anyone know whether the Avtex televisions with built in Sat receiver get anything other than UK Astra programming , in other words will Avtex TV with built in Sat Receiver be able to receive European and International programmes from Hotbird and Astra satallites direct from Camos Dome control Box without having to purchase a free to view box. Thanks anybody.
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Tony. Despite many posts you still don't understand. You keep referring to free to view (Freeview). You should be referring to FREE TO AIR. Both systems are completely different.


From my interpretation, the Avtex with inbuilt satellite receiver is effectively a free to air box. However how this links up with your Camos dish and controller is not known. But but you need to ask questions about your set up of your TV supplier for clarification.


However, given your level of confusion I strongly advise that you look for a local motorhome accessories supplier who also installs satellite dishes and sells TVs as I think you need advice before ending up with equipment that may not be the most appropriate for your needs. They might also agree, if asked, to wire the thing up to your dish in order to make a sale. Saving a few pounds by buying online may not be your best bet.


As you are unwilling to provide your location nobody can help in this regard. If for example you lived in Devon I could provide details of 2 suitable places and no doubt others could suggest places in other parts of the country.

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